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5 Worth the Buy It Now Price
4 Story is Worth the Purchase Price or Definite Read Trade Paperback Read
3 Average Story Buy if you Need to Complete your Collection
2 Filler Issue Not Necessary to Purchase
1 Avoid and Save your Money
Unlike the Ultimates, the Avengers are the black ops team assembled by Nick Fury and supplied by Tony Stark's older brother, Gregory Stark. Two new recruits are brought in unwilling: the Punisher and Banner's mentor the first Hulk. Now the black ops Avengers team is assembled and their first mission is to take down the mysterious Ghost Rider.
The Punisher learns the hard way that he has neural implants embedded inside his skull to keep him under control.' For a covert ops team that wants to keep it under wraps that the Punisher has joined its ranks they sure do keep it hidden by putting a skull on his chest.
Both Shield agents and the Avengers are sent to protect a property tycoon landing at Chicago O'Hare Airport. Just as the plane carrying the tycoon is about to land Ghost Rider arrives and kidnaps him. Hawkeye stops him from getting away and the stage is set up for the showdown next issue.
Mark Millar seems to be losing steam on the projects he has taken on. This book doesn't feel as cohesive as the others he has written. The team dynamics really feel off and the dialogue is not as smart or snappy like his other works. Leinil Francis Yu's artwork has done a terrific job as always cementing these characters into the real world. Overall this issue seemed short for a $3.99 book and could have been meatier.