Costs of Hiring a Social Security Disability Lawyer
Costs of Hiring a Social Security Disability Lawyer
There are countless people that try to file for social security disability by them selves only to find that the process is hard and drawn out. Normally it's only when they have been turned down do they consider using a Lawyer. Most people feel that Lawyers fees are more then they can afford. This discourages a majority of such people and they approach a lawyer to fight their case with reluctance, only acting when someone close goads them on to stand up for their rights.Why hire a lawyer:Before we discuss the costs involved in hiring a social security disability lawyer, it must be absolutely clear as to why you need to hire one. A fact that's good to know is more than seventy percent of disability claims are rejected by the social security office the first time. The regulations and procedures for filing a claim are quite complex and a majority of claimants slip up when filing their claims, because they are not well informed. Either their documents are incomplete or their medical records submitted are not compelling enough for the social security office to entertain the claim.Once their claim is rejected, people will simply give up and say that it's not worth the hassle. These people will be pleasantly surprised to know that your chances of winning the disability claim benefits are fifty percent more when you entrust the task to a social security disability lawyer. This jump in winning probability when the case is handled by a specialist attorney alone should convince you to start looking for an attorney.Before you hire a social security disability attorney, make sure that they have a good reputation and credentials and are more or less specialized in handling disability claims. There are a lot of resources online that you can use to get advice. You can search for online communities, forums, or use legal blogs to learn how to find the right lawyer.Costs of hiring an lawyer:Once you have made you your mind to hire a social security disability attorney to represent your case before the social security office, you should also discuss openly about what it takes to hire him or her. There should be no ambiguity on this count and both you and the attorney should be clear about the costs involved.Generally social security disability attorneys don't charge anything upfront or ask for advance, except for some out of pocket expenses they must incur in gathering evidence, paper work, photo copies and medical reports costs paid to various people. This cost is quite negligent and rarely goes above a hundred dollars. The attorneys specializing in disability claims representation usually work on contingency payment agreement.This in effect means that you have to pay a certain fixed percentage of past due disability benefits mutually agreed upon when the claim is finally approved by the social security office. If you lose the claim, you pay nothing, but only have to pay when the claim is won by the attorney. In most cases about twenty five percent of the benefit is agreed upon between both parties and dollar five thousand three hundred whichever is lesser of the two. The advantage of hiring a social security disability lawyer outweighs the cost of hiring one.
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