Compare Payday Loans - Important Info Before Getting A Payday Loan In The Uk
Many of us need to apply for a payday loan at some point in our lives
. Sadly running out of cash before our next pay check arrives is nothing new. A small loan with a quick payout can save the day. Exceed your overdraft limit at the bank and you may pay a heavy penalty. A payday loan can offer you a small amount of money that is borrowed over a short time. The car breaks down and you can pay the mechanic next week but not this? That payday loan can be your lifeline. Loans are competitive and you should
compare payday lenders.
Cash Genie Payday Loans are one such company. The company allow you to fill in all of the necessary information on-line to save time. The website is relatively easy to understand and there are step by step instructions to help you through your application process.
Applying for any type of loan can be stressful. Cash Genie have tried hard to take away that sinking feeling that we all get when we need to borrow a small amount of cash quickly. Filling in the form takes little more than a couple of minutes. When you have given the company all of the relevant information then they process the application. Cash Genie taper the loan to suit your situation and the repayments are kept in line with what you can afford to repay.
Application forms always require personal details and Cash Genie is no different. The company want you to borrow responsibly so they tailor your loan to your monthly income. After all it is no good them lending you an amount that you cannot afford to repay.
Even at that stage of the game you are not forced to continue if the offer does not meet your requirements. If all is well then you carry on with the process. Cash Genie need your mobile telephone number to send you a couple of texts. One text gives you a code that you enter into the on-line form and if all goes well with your credit check then the other text message lets you know that the funds are in your account.
The whole process is so quick and easy. Borrowing a small amount of money has really never been so simple. On-line access gives you freedom to apply wherever you are.
You do have to meet certain criteria. Firstly you must be 18 or over and you have to be a citizen of the UK. You need to be employed and earning a salary of over 500 pounds a month. Naturally you need to have an up and running bank account with a current debit card.
Next we move on to take a look at Quick Quid payday loans. This company work very much along the same lines as Cash Genie. The on-line application with an almost instant decision. If you know a friend who needs a payday loan then they are offering a cash bonus of 20 pounds for referring a friend.
Even filling in on-line forms can sometimes baffle us but Quick Quid offer an on-line chat facility. If you come unstuck filling in the form then you can chat to one of their reps. In the small print they state that it is not essential to have a perfect credit rating when applying for a payday loan.
Credit ratings can be strengthened by taking out more credit and Quick quid want to point that out. They have a well planned website that is informative. It explains the process in layman's terms. Towards the bottom of the terms and rates section you will come across their usual rate of APR. In the same section you will find information about their charges.
On-line applications are not for everyone. If that is the case then call Quick Quid using your land line. There will be no charge for land line calls. Quick Quid seem to have the edge on the APR rate but both companies work in the same way. A payday loan application requires the same information and you will need to meet the same criteria to qualify.
by: Brian B Smith
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