Colocation Services: Cost-effective Solutions For Global Organizations
The technologically competitive global world challenges every organization to make
use of high-levels of IT operations with reduced costs and limited resources. However, meeting these challenges in its completeness may not be always possible for the organizations as it needs to focus more on the core business operations and strategies than investing in legacy management. Nevertheless, as technology plays a major role in the business operations, more so in a globally networked one, organizations look for options, which will facilitate use of IT infrastructure for a faster and easier access to data and information across networked locations.
The secure data storage and zero downtime in data retrieval being vital, most organizations tend to invested large sums for data centres with world class IT infrastructure. However, with regular technological innovations and the ever-changing customer demands calls for frequent upgrading of the infrastructure and software applications. Meeting these customer demands pressurizes the organization for time and cost. Under such circumstances, IT service providers with world-class data centres facilitate investing in
shared hosting services or colocation services.
Colocation services refer to process of colocating the organizations web servers in data centers of any web hosting company and sharing the data center rack space, cooling, and bandwidth on payment basis. A shared hosting service on the other hand refers to leasing out dedicated servers from the dedicated hosting providers. However, for organizations with sizable corporate network and hosting requirements, a colocation service is the preferred option. With a large number of IT services mushrooming in India, the facility of providing Colocation servers in India is also catching up. The collocated services being an outsourced model of dedicated hosting facilities of the data centers provide the clientele with a secure, reliable, and scalable stateof-art hosting facilities for network application. The data centers with its servers working 24/7 ensure anytime availability of essential data.
By facilitating server connectivity to Internet service providers as well as to the corporate network, the
colocation services India pave way for multiple carrier links, backup power supplies, air-conditioning, electronic security systems and domain expert availability for immediate help.
Based on the unique IP address a number of websites can be hosted on these collocated servers. A server colocation service offered by a
data center thus works out as an easy and cost-effective solution to manage a company's infrastructure and the flexibility and reliability provided by these services paves way for the client organizations to concentrate on the core business issues.
by: Martinlobo
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