is an initiative formed to specifically ensure the safety of all house entrepreneurs of their investments
. This website will act as the umbrella for all aspiring entrepreneurs by providing the legitimate information regarding avenues of endeavor which they may wish to enter into. was organized to respond to the growing community of entrepreneurs in the US. This website is aimed to provide authentic, unbiased information to individuals who wish to do business at home or through the internet. Its goal is to review each site that advertise job opportunities regarding home business and find strategies to cull out sites which are bogus and thereby secure the job seekers.
There are a lot of advertisements in the sites for potential work at home and these are good opportunities for those individuals who have no employment and would like to earn extra income. These are the targets of whose objective is to start a home based business that will generate their primary source of income. The company opts to help an individual to achieve a six figure income within its first year of operation.
WHY DO THEY REVIEW? intends to review these sites that place these advertisements and ensure that these are legitimate ones. It focuses on the ones that offer at least a six (6) figure income potential initially and carries a higher investment requirement. These are broken down into five (5) categories: general, health and finances, home business, music downloads and others. It focuses on the home based business but recently review other opportunities as well.
HOW MUCH WOULD CITIZENCORPS.COM CHARGE YOU? does not charge any of its clients. The website does request its visitors to leave comments. The only hassle is the requirement to log into WordPress.
All in all, had given individuals from all over the world the opportunity to work from their own homes. The company tries to make sure that these working individuals would not be victimized by bogus online businesses. genuinely helps its unemployed clients. The only problem is that the site might not be a 100% accurate. There is always the possibility of human error. It is advised that proper research should be done before making any ventures. Wasted time can cost you money and effort.