China; get away from doing business there

Share: IF you have studied Capitalism in high school or college
, you know that it comes in all flavors. The Arab nations claim they have it. Russia claims to have it. The ex-RED nations claim to have it. None of them really do. They do have a half-assed hybrid capitalistic/Socialistic economic system run by monarchs or dictators. I say half-ass purposefully. When one wants to make a pie and puts within it, noodles, cake and fruit, it becomes a half-ass pie. [Or give it your favorite nick name.]
Capitalism INFERS or connotes: a fairly level playing field, a tort legal system so one can sue those who steal patents, copyrights, etc. It infers that government may only play a peripheral role by making sure all participants play the game by the SAME rules, and emphatically, no competition between private enterprise and government. The business of government is to protect the people and the business of business is to make profits.
Recently, when our US government complained to the current Russian president that he is not playing by the rules HE ALREADY AGREED TO PLAY BY, the old cunning KGB leader responded by saying "this is none of your business". I still agree that most of the time the old dogs cannot learn new tricksunless capturing the favor of the US and then, shoving pie into our face is his new trick!
China wants to gain favor throughout the world WHILE keeping its populace under control and by re-emphasizing its yoke of its citizens. China is led by both covert and overt Communist leaders who, depending on the day of the week, want to strangle their people's growth ideas and spending habits AS LONG as the Politboro can control same. AS of late June and July, the Politboro is again, seeking all users of the internet to make sure each user REGISTERS
and says nothing unfavorable about the "loving" fatherland.
IN the book "If everyone wore one shoe", the author followed 5 large US corporations as they endeavored to set up in China. The setting-up was given five years. In some cases, the stories were not terribly dissimilar to those of the members of America's first unions with cases of feather bedding that were sad. [In a case introduced to me by a friend living in China, one of their main employers allows a certain percentage of employees to come to work andsit all day long in the lunchroom and then, go home and get paid!]
China is now considering buying an oil company headquartered in the US [while most of their current operations are in Asia]. This does not concern me EXCEPT that, since China has no tort law, there is no way to enforce any of the laws that the US has to protect buyers and sellers of companiesto enforce payments, clean air laws, safety laws, etc.
I agree that a central government that has "mother China" center-most in her decisions instead of a single dictator who could bleed China dry in months is probably preferred, but still, Bush has made a horrible mistake giving China "favored nation status" as we in the U.S. close our eyes to its Communist political system. We are in a war in Iraq for different purposes now, but the initial avowed reason was to destroy weapons of horrible potential and to help a nation rid itself of a dictator.
The dictator is gone and the battle has transferred to insurgents. Maybe we should go to China and demand the same thing of them; create a constitution leading its people towards democracy!
Ain't gonna happen, though. China makes cheap goods allowing more Americans to buy more goods at cheaper prices. [Or is that not the reason why we granted China such status?]
If we forced China to face us on the battle field or convert to Democracy, the world would see a poker game that would put the world series of Poker in Vegas to shame.
Let's pull out of China, stop buying from them, revoke their favored nation status and see if the rest of the world still buys their cheap goods or if we can go on strike against them? That seems like a sure way to force them to accept democracy within their own nation!
China; get away from doing business there
By: k. kemper
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