The best way to save money when you're moving across state lines might not be instantly recognizable, and so will go over the reasons and the solution within this article. The solution to saving the most money while you're making a move is to do the heavy lifting yourself. By this I mean that you should do the actual moving all of your physical goods by yourself. Moving companies cost a lot of money and you'll be saving thousands of dollars by simply renting a moving truck, boxing your own items, putting them on that rock, and moving them to your new home. The amount of money that can be saved by doing this is really quite substantial and cannot be overestimated. So now that we know of the best way to save money moving your items, we're left with another conundrum namely how to move your vehicles to your new home. Since we have decided that the best way to save money is by moving all of your goods yourself this means that you will be driving a rental truck in order to bring your goods to their new home, so now you might be asking how your car is going to make it from your home to your new home without any one there to drive it. In short the answer is hiring an auto transport company. A car transport company will be able to deliver your car to you on time and in good shape leaving your freedom move yourself and save yourself a ton of money.