Can You Trust Television and Movie Reviews?
Can You Trust Television and Movie Reviews?
Everyone wants to make the most out of his or her television viewing time. This desire is only amplified when one is looking for programs to watch with the whole family. Knowing in advance what television programs and movies are good fits for both your personal preferences is important in that it can save you time and, of course, a great deal of aggravation. Often many of us turn to movie and television reviews to give us some idea as to whether or not the latest television program or movie is worth our time. The question, however, is how much should you depend on the reviews?
The argument as to whether or not reviews can be or should be trusted has certainly been raging for quite a while. Not surprisingly, there are a wide-range of opinions on the subject, however, one fact does seem fairly ironclad. If virtually every review that comes out of a new movie or television program is simply awful, the odds are that the new movie of television show in question is quite likely to be a disappointment. "Mixed reviews" are one thing. But if all the reviews are horrible, you might just want to skip going to the movies and watch the new release when it comes on the Dish Network.
Part of finding reviews that you can depend upon is locating a reviewer whose opinion you learn to trust. This will take a little time and a little research, but odds are that you will eventually find a reviewer who "gets it right most of the time." Once you have found such a reviewer, odds are you will be looking closely at what she or he has to say in the future.
Reviewers are, of course, people too, and that means that they bring their own perspectives and takes on films and entertainment in general. After all, these are people reviewing the films and not robots. This means that if a given reviewer always hates a given genre of film and you just happen to love that genre, well, that obviously isn't the reviewer for you. You as the reader can have an active role in the movie and television review process. By seeking out reviewers whose opinions you feel you can trust, you will be taking a step towards finding reviews you can consistently depend upon.
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