Can The Collection Agencies Drag Me To Jail For Not Paying My Debts ?
Collection agencies basically paid for their services to collect debts for creditors
. They earn commission or bonus for recovery of loan amount. They use a lot of different tricks to force you for repaying your unpaid debt. So that they can get their reward.
What Possibilities Are ?
Its true that the collection agents can drag you to the court when you don't pay your loans. They are working on behalf of your creditor. so they have such transferred rights against you.
When your collection agencies fail to recover the amount from you and you have the ability to repay the debt. Then they 'll approach the court for the collection.
Judge will pass a judgment when it is proved that you actually owed the amount.
Then the collection agencies try to enforce that judgment. Recovery possibilities can be either freezing your bank accounts or Garnishee your salary or seizing your other assets.
Most Likely One
If agents choose to freeze your bank accounts, then most likely situation is they 'll lose their money. Because you can never deposit your amount in that accounts and creditors will never find their money.
So the most possible way to adopt is Garnishee your wages/salary. It can be done by leaving a court notice to your employer that he will give the guilty person salary to creditor from now.
Can I End Up In Jail?
Go to the court and go to the Jail are two different things. Not paying your credit card debts or simple loan amount is not a criminal offense. So they can not put you behind the Bars simply.