Can Bad Credit Consolidation Loans Save You From Bankruptcy? by:Devora Witts
When it comes to consolidating debt, especially credit card debt
, a bad credit score or history can complicate the loan approval process. There are, however, many lenders willing to approve consolidation loans for people with bad credit. But are consolidation loans really the solution to avoid bankruptcy?
Debt Consolidation Loans
Debt consolidation loans can drive away the bankruptcy menace because they are meant for easing the weight of overall debt by reducing your monthly payments into a single lower monthly installment. The money obtained from the loan is used for paying off outstanding debt that carries higher interest rates.
When requesting a consolidation loan in order to reduce the amount of money you have to set aside every month for repaying debt and thus, driving away the risk of bankruptcy, you need to make sure you include only all the debt that has higher interest rates than the consolidation loan. Otherwise the whole financial operation would be pointless. Federal student loans, for example, should be set aside since they carry very low interest rates.
Personal loans, cash advance loans, credit card debt and store card debt are the kind of debt you need to consolidate. Only if you are able to get a secured consolidation loan with a lower interest rate should you consider consolidating home equity loans, mortgage loans and mortgage refinance loans. Given that you are thinking about applying for a bad credit consolidation loan, it does not seem probable that you can get a lower interest rate.
The loan length is another important factor, you can considerably reduce your monthly installments by getting a consolidation loan with longer repayment programs, this implies that it will take a lot more time for you to become debt free. However, the monthly payments will be easier to afford and will bring relief to your financial situation. Bear in mind though, that longer repayment schedules carry higher interest rates, so you need to ponder this and find the loan option that best suits your needs.
Which Lender Should I Apply To?
When it comes to choosing the lender, you need to decide first what kind of loan you will be applying to. If you can provide collateral, you will be able to get much better terms on your loan and you should search for lenders dealing with home loans, refinance home loans and home equity loans. These loans carry the lowest interest rates and few credit requirements making them easier to qualify for.
If you cannot provide collateral, then you should find lenders dealing with unsecured personal loans. These loans carry higher interest rates and are harder to qualify for. However they are the only option for non-homeowners or those who have no equity on their home and cannot refinance.
Since unsecured personal loans are harder to qualify for, especially if you have a bad credit score and history, you might get declined for such loans. If that is your case, do not despair, there are debt consolidation agencies that can help you reduce your debt and monthly payments without a loan. They have professional negotiators that will agree with your lenders a reduction on your debt and a new more affordable repayment program.
About the author
Devora Witts is a certified loan consultant with several years of experience in the credit area who instructs people regarding credit recovery and approval for personal loans, home loans, consolidation loans, car loans, student loans, unsecured loans and many other types of loans. If you want to understand Debt Consolidation and Unsecured Personal Loans thoroughly you can visit her site If the link doesn't work, just copy and paste in your browser's address bar.
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Can Bad Credit Consolidation Loans Save You From Bankruptcy? by:Devora Witts New York City