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Benefits From Having A Credit Card With Low Interest

Credit card (CC) issuers are facing tough competition and one of the best marketing strategies they came up with are low interest cards

. Obviously, people are more attracted to a low interest rate CC and they're most likely to pay attention to these credit cards compared to CC's with standard rates and costs.

What are the benefits of having low interest CC's? Are they really as good as they promise to be? Which particular low interest credit card should you choose? How can you make the most out of your low interest credit card? Let's try to answer these questions one by one.

Benefits of Low Interest Credit Cards

- Ideal when you carry over a balance. It is recommended to pay off your CC balance in full each month. However, if you've made a large purchase, it may be necessary for you to carry over your balance for the next month. In this case, a card with a low rate of interest is your best partner because you'll only have to add a small additional fee for the interest rate.

- Ideal for consolidating credit debts. If you own multiple CCs with high rates and you're carrying a balance with each, it's best to transfer them over to a low interest rate credit card. This will save you a considerable amount of money since your interest rate will be cut off to a single, low cost interest.

Choosing a Low Interest Credit Card

As a reminder, remember that not all low interest CCs offer the best deal. You need to pay attention to the other costs involved with your credit card as well. Aside from the rate of interest, don't forget to check out the annual fee, penalty charges, and the type of interest rate of the card. You can verify these costs by reviewing the terms and conditions of the credit.

As part of an introductory promo, some credit cards may start out with low interest rates, but are you sure how long this will last? Will the interest rate still be low when the teaser rate expires? Or will you be left with a card that has a changing or increasing interest rate? Don't rush and think that there's nothing that could go wrong with low interest rate offered. Instead, take the time to review all the terms of the credit card.

Making the Most Out of Your Low Interest Credit Card

So now that you own a credit card with low interest rate, how can you use it to your advantage? First of all, keep in mind that just because it has a low interest rate doesn't mean you should get into the habit of carrying balances from month to month.

Even if you have a low rate credit card, you should still strive to pay your monthly balance in full and avoid the interest rate altogether. However, if you must carry over a balance, make it a point to pay more than the minimum payment for each month so you can get off your debt as quickly as possible.

Having a low interest rate credit card does not guarantee that you're saved from the risk of credit card debt. It's how you use your credit card that makes the difference.

Copyright (c) 2009 Suzy Vanstrusen

by: Suzy Vanstrusen
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Benefits From Having A Credit Card With Low Interest Ljubljana