Many people want to be successful and earn much money and be like the rich ones.
They see the millionaires and stars on TV and want to have and do all the things they have.
So often they think if they would have so much money then they would be like a millionaire.
Or they read about Mike Dillard or another very successful leader in Network Marketing and think if I only would have this big downline things would change for me. Everything would become better.
But I think there is a big mistake in this mindset.
We cant have - do - and be.
Because we have millions, we cant do things like Mike does them and we are not like this leaders.
Many people who win millions in the lottery loose them in a few years.
What would you tell your downline if you have the downline from Mike?
Can you run on the stage and make them all happy?
Can you help them all with brilliant tips to succeed in their home business?
I think after a short time one leader after the other would leave my team if I would be on the place of Mike Dillard today. And after a few years maybe no team is left.
We have to think exactly in the other direction.
First being, then doing and then having!
The fundament is personal development. Our business grows as we grow, my upline tells me all the time. And they are damned right.
And when I have the mindset and the knowledge of a leader THEN I can do the things a leader does.
Then I can help my team very effectiv to succeed in their home business and make their lives better.
And then I will have this big income I am dreaming of and the friends and the compliments of them and my dream car and my dream house and my dream holidays and so on and so on .....
And I can promise you, it is the same way for YOU!
Learn it, do it and become a leader!
I wish you all the success that you want in your life!