Are You Pushing Yourself Hard Enough In Your Home Business?
There are some really great things about having your own business
. One of the big ones is that you can make your own schedule. That's also one of the big problems. Slacking off is all too easy.
So often it seems so reasonable. Life gets in the way. Your family needs you. You're exhausted from the demands of your business. You don't get much business at the particular time of year anyhow. Why shouldn't you take a break?
The trouble with that kind of thinking is that it's a quick path to slow growth or even failure. Slack off too often and your business isn't going to grow.
I know. I've had life get completely in the way and I do see the difference in how my business grows at those times versus when I really try to make it work.
It's not that you don't often have legitimate challenges to finding time to work on your business. That's fine. When I moved last year, for example, there were many days that I quite simply could not work. The computer was packed, I had no internet access and I was quite exhausted from doing all the work involved in the move.
But as soon as possible I got working on my business again. I know quite well that if I let the residual effects of the move (such as needing to unpack and unpack and unpack) get in the way too much I'll build bad habits and it will be really hard to get back to work.
So deal with the legitimate challenges and get back on track. Don't let them slow you down longer than necessary.
Even more important is avoiding the excuses.
I'm writing this on a night after a day I will describe simply as challenging. No need for details, but I'm tired.
I'm still working.
The day's events made working impossible during the day. That happens, but rather than just say I'm tired and I want a night off, I'm doing my best to get some work hours in before bedtime.
It took a push, believe me.
If you can't motivate yourself like that regularly you need to figure out how to do so. Maybe it's not the idea business for you and you're avoiding work because you don't really love it. Maybe you haven't yet figured out how to push yourself hard enough. Maybe you've been pushing too hard and just need a small amount of time (not too much!) to get your mind back on track.
There's always a balance in these things. But the more you push yourself the more chances you give yourself to succeed. There's never a guarantee of success, but you can guarantee failure if you give up.