An Overview of Global Medical Tourism

Share: The last few years definitely not amounting to a decade has witnessed the rapid growth of medical tourism industry by leaps and bounds
. Studies have shown that
medical tourism industry generates about US$20 billion dollars per year and the figure is expected to double by 2011.
The essence of medical tourism is nothing but traveling to offshore locations or beyond one's home country to another country for the purpose of healthcare. Most people take up medical travel for health checks, elective surgery likejoint replacement (knee/hip), cardiac surgery, dental surgery and cosmetic surgeries, alternative medicine and spa/ wellness related purpose. According to a recent study listed by International Medical Travel Journal, over 130 countries worldwide offer or wish to offer' medical tourism services. It doesn't come as a surprise to acknowledge it given the fact that the industry has a huge revenue turnover in the world platform.
In addition, citizens of the United States, Canada and Europe constitute the bulk of recipients for medical treatment abroad. The year 2009 witnessed nearly 60,000 Britons traveling abroad to obtain medical treatment clubbed with a full fledged vacation at the same time. Currently, there are about 28 countries catering to medical tourists that practically sums up to more than two million foreign patients in a year. Today, Asian countries like India, Thailand, Singapore and Philippines have become some of the most popular medical tourism destinations in the world.
Costa Rica in the South American belt is among the most favored destinations for cosmetic surgery, well-known for its state-of-the-art hospitals and highly skilled cosmetic surgeons. Tens of thousands of Americans travel every year to this beautiful exotic country to enjoy a grand, sandy, aquatic fun-filled holiday along with quality healthcare sessions. Without a doubt, the main reason for the rapid rise in the number of medical tourists from developed countries traveling globally for cheap plastic surgery speaks volume about the soaring medical costs in the developed nations. Costa Rica has a rich scenic beauty and that is why it is the first choice for eco-tourism destination coupled with a comparatively affordable plastic surgery and other healthcare services price. The plastic surgeons of this soil are internationally trained equipped with cutting-edge methods and medical technology.
Medical tourism is a multi-billion dollar industry and plastic surgery medical tourism has shown remarkable increase in recent years. A brief random comparison of cosmetic prices in Costa Rica and the US gives significant insight into the potentials of the industry. A liposuction surgery in the US may cost up to $8000 depending upon the number of areas of the body under the procedures whereas it is a little over $4000 in Costa Rica. The affordability in the medical costs, leisure aspect and safe health care procedures make medical tourism a viable option for many people around the world.
An Overview of Global Medical Tourism
By: John MichelCane
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