If you think that the fear of being alone is just something that affects children or people who are apprehensive about not being able to find a partner, think again. The fear of being alone or monophobia, is a condition that is far more common than you may think and it can cause a great deal of misery for everyone concerned.
All most anyone can suffer from this illness but it is unfortunately the case that many people will either suffer in silence or if they try and find some kind of solution they are shocked to discover that the treatment can work out to be extremely expensive and if a more traditional route is taken to solve the problem, ie a doctor, tranquillisers are often prescribed which it could be argued will only mask the problem as opposed to stopping it.
One person who is only to well aware of the nightmare of monophobia is a lady called Teresa Douglas. Teresa experienced all of the tell tale symptoms of the fear of being alone but she was lucky enough to meet a therapist who had a great deal of experience with this particular problem. Her advice was enough to enable Teresa to overcome monophobia and she has taken the time to put together an ebook which will enable other sufferers to not only see that there is light at the end of the tunnel, but also show them how to beat this condition once and for all.
Teresa's ebook can be found at fearofbeingalone.net and it really is something very special indeed. It is plainly obvious that Teresa is someone who actually cares about helping people and that attribute really shines through here. The ebook is extremely well written and it is very easy to follow the advice that is given, which is great news for monophobia sufferers everywhere.
Samantha Milner is a mother, Internet Marketer and the joint owner of her own internet marketing business called DSM Publishing. Samantha went full time as an internet marketer in 2005 and loves sharing her success and experience with others. .
Samantha lives in the beautiful Algarve in southern Portugal so that she can enjoy a better standard of life in the sun. As an internet marketer it is important to remember that all you need is a good internet connection.
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