Many Americans suffer from chronic pain. Some have deteriorated spinal discs and others have arthritis or fibromyalgia. Where this pain comes from and how to alleviate this pain are questions many would love getting the answer to.
Conversely the modalities to treat pain run the gamut from taking pain killing drugs, to treatment with chiropractic or physical therapy to rolfing (a system of muscle massage intended to serve as both physical and emotional therapy) or hypnosis and a myriad of other modalities too numerous to list. Well, add to that list something that has sprung up from the study of quantum physics. What we are talking about is the application of a specific type of energy, called zero point energy, to the energy fields of the body to help alleviate pain and speed healing.
Quantum physics tells us that everything in the universe is energy. Our bodies are energy and in fact there are energy fields around all living things that can be measured with a specialized instrument called a Gas Discharge Visualizer. It is this energy field that the zero point energy helps to bring into a sort of homeostasis. Through the application of this energy the individual's own energy field is balanced and left to flow unhindered, thus resulting in an increased ability to self heal and alleviate pain.
It may sound like science fiction but the control of energy and the study of how to better create it and handle it has been a focus by many key researchers for quite some time. The research into this kind of sub atomic energy will not only help heal a body but could also lead to technology that may allow us to power a whole city without having to use fossil fuels.