Alibaba Global Shareholders Conference Choose Shenzhen
Author: lidongqun
Author: lidongqun
Alibaba group announced recently, its listed subsidiary company Alibaba B2B company 2009 annual shareholders conference will be held in May in Shenzhen. According to media reports that Alibaba was forced out of Shenzhen, Senior Vice President of Alibaba group Wang Shuai expressed with smile, this is absolutely a misread of external. Wang Shuai further explained, the south China headquarters set up in Guangzhou is Alibaba network Co., LTD which is a listed subsidiary of Alibaba group mainly managing B2B business, shortly referred to as Alibaba B2B Company; however, the south home base set up in Shenzhen is Aibaba group. Wang Shuai expressed, the reason of being misunderstood by the media is that there is the same type style Alibaba between Alibaba group and Alibaba B2B Company; due to the same abbreviation Alibaba, and it is easy to be confused by the unfamiliar people of outside. Wang Shuai said, Pearl River Delta region is one of densest area of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises, the total commercial amount of Guangdong and Shenzhen won the first place nationwide. Last year, Alibaba B2B companys total merchandise exports broke 30 billion US Dollars, nevertheless, the Pearl River Delta region accounted for about 25 percent. The developing strategy of Alibaba group in Southern China is centering on Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and relying on the powerful manufacturing capabilities of South China to help local SMES realize industrial upgrading through the electronic commerce. As an electronic commerce based
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