Akiles Combmac 24E Heavy Duty Legal Size Electric Comb Binding Machine Review by:Jeff McRitchie
The Akiles CombMac 24E is one of the only heavy-duty, legal sized electric comb binding machines available on the market today. Built with the same punching motor as the extremely successful CoilMac EPI and WireMac E, this binding machine offers a high-volume, all-in-one solution for plastic comb binding. With so few models available that can handle legal-sized comb binding, the CombMac is an excellent choice for those who bind legal-sized documents on a regular basis.
The CombMac 24E punches 14" legal sized documents in a single punching cycle, and doesn't require the complicated set-up or extra punching cycle for legal-sized documents required by many other machines in this price range. In addition, the machine has a legal sized comb opener for easy opening and plastic comb insertion, up to 24 rings.
This machine has one of the few designs available with a reversible comb-opener handle, making ideal for "lefties," making it extremely productive for offices with multiple users. It also includes fully disengageable dies and a depth of punch margin control to give you full flexibility for binding documents of non standard lengths or with plastic combs from 3/16" up to 2" in diameter.
The machine's heavy-duty electric punch will punch up about 23 sheets at a time using a convenient foot pedal control. The pedal allows you to hold the document with both hands while punching, to ensure your pages are punched accurately and are aligned every time.
Finally, the CombMac 24E's comb opener can be unbolted from the top of the machine. This allows it to be used as a stand alone device, which can be very helpful to productivity if you allow two users to take part in the binding process at the same time. This can, obviously, double your binding output and increase your overall productivity by a large margin.
The CombMac 24E has much to recommend it, but it does have a few limitations. The machine could benefit from a push button switch for punching., especially when only punching a few documents at a time. Unfortunately, however, none of the other similar machines on the market include a push button switch either.
Although the heavy duty design is ideal for high volume applications, it's portability can be a problem. it's not very portable. If plan to move the CombMac, you may want to consider a moveable cart or work table since the machine weighs in at almost 75lbs.
Built with high-quality, all-metal components, on the same proven platform as the Coilmac EPI and WireMac E, Akiles has a proven record for top-of-the-line construction. The CombMac components are designed to be easy-to-operate and hold up to even the most rigorous use.
The only fault that can be found with this construction is that the comb opener looks like a late addition to the machine. But if it looks a little strange, by no means does this anomaly affect functionality. As a matter of fact, just the opposite is true, making the comb opener more easily accessible. Because of this, the machine's effectiveness outweighs its lack of aesthetics.
The ComMac 24 E is highly recommended for its many unique and effective features that can't be found on other machines in its class. From a legal sized punching and comb opening, to a reversible handle for the opener, to the ability to use the comb opener as a stand-alone device - the 24E has it all.
With the winning reputation of Akiles products and service, the CombMac 24E has the edge over the competing GBC C800pro or the DFG E Titan Comb, and its perfect for organizations that do medium to high volumes of plastic comb binding. It would cost several thousand dollars to improve on this option, making it a great machine at an equally great value!
About the author
Jeff McRitchie
For more information or to purchase the Akiles CombMac 24E Heavy Duty Legal Size Electric Comb Binding Machine visit
http://www.mybinding.com. Jeff McRitchie is the director of marketing for
http://MyBinding.com.He writes extensively on topics related to Binding Covers,Binding Supplies,and more.
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Akiles Combmac 24E Heavy Duty Legal Size Electric Comb Binding Machine Review by:Jeff McRitchie