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Advertising Business Violates Human Rights Secret Strategy To Expose It

Advertising Business Violates Human Rights  Secret Strategy To Expose It

The man continues to see and hear repeatedly deceiving advertising and marketing

, its nature is to gather correct. That is what the psychologist says about human nature. Based on it, the big business houses spend big money on its announcement of deceiving advertising on the Internet, television and published. It is the violation of human rights.

Advertising deceptive marketing make us believe the truth when it is not. Business houses are increasingly providing poor quality products and products that are proved harmful to human health. These are the people in the world. NGS of human rights must expose Marketing Deception.

Article 12 of Human Rights - that no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, or to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone is entitled to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks through the media. But the big business houses spend big money on his announcement misleading marketing on the Internet, television and published. It is the violation of human rights.

The big business houses are increasingly providing poor quality products. It is a global problem. But still there is no control over the marketing and advertising Deception unfair trade which affects the honor and reputation of many civilizations. But developed countries allow the production and continue to be provided by its business houses in the underdeveloped countries followed deceptive marketing on the Internet, television and published. Although they continue to claim the protection of human rights, but in reality they violate human rights.

People are suffering in the world. You might have seen the marketing of deceptive advertising of medicine and many aspects of food that are deceiving people to believe in the truth when it is not. Advertising deceptive business affects the health of ordinary people. WHO conclusion is that a vegetarian diet is better than non-vegetarian food. But advertising deceptive marketing of big business houses in the meat industry continues to believe in the other direction which is not true. It affects the health and economy of many people including in developed countries.

WHO conclusion is that biological systems is better than food based on various inorganic chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides, but cases of deceiving advertising in fertilizers and pesticides from big business houses continue to believe that the other is not true. Resulting large population of the world suffers from heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. But there was no voice against this violation of Article 12 of Human Rights, because the big business houses spend big money on these questions of violating human rights.

There are many chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and medicines, which has been proven harmful to human health and is banned in developed countries. But developed countries allow the production and continue to be provided by business houses in the underdeveloped countries followed deceptive marketing on the Internet, television and published. Although they continue to claim the protection of human rights, but in reality they violate human rights.

Marketing campaigns should not be conceived by how words can be twisted against the facts through advertising deceptive marketing. The promises of the marketing of advertising must be preserved, the measures applied and the values of the products should not be allowed to be violated. Any product that is injurious to health and violates Article 12 of human rights should not be allowed to advertise deceptive marketing.

United Nations - Human Rights and NGOs should launch marketing campaigns in relation to misleading advertising business that violate the rights of the common man

by: GS Virk
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Advertising Business Violates Human Rights Secret Strategy To Expose It New York City