Adjusting Text Just Like The Experts In Business Cards

Share: Are you having a lot of trouble in adjusting your text content for your print business cards
? I have been there and I know where you are coming from. I have had many experiences in creating my own personal color business cards.
I remember all the troubles that a stray line or word gave me as a created the layout. It took time, but I did slowly learn how manipulate these elements. This is why, I am going to teach you how to adjust text just like the experts. Below is the list of tricks you should know to manipulate text just like a master in business card printing.
Precise font size values The first lesson is very simple. If you look at the usual font size values, you see on your desktop publishing application, you will discover that most of them are whole numbers. In fact, in some cases, you will see in the drop down menu that the choices you have are usually even numbers spaced further and further apart from the next font size.
You should realize that these are not all your choices when it comes to font size. It is possible to actually type in precise font values (even decimal values!) as a font size. If you are having trouble fitting your text perfectly in a design element in your business card, this is crucial. By just adjusting your font size numbers precisely, you should be able to set just the right font size for your text. So explore this option, it can save your design.
Fiddling with the standard font height Now this is the simple part. The next thing we will go to is the standard font height. It is possible to fiddle with the font height of your text, independent from the font size. Many design software allow you to set the font height settings precisely to what you want. In most cases, the font height is a percent value (100%) representing the default height setting for the font size and style. By going to your font or text settings/controls, you can change this figure to a lower figure (to make it smaller) or to a higher figure (to make it higher than normal).
The good thing about this is that it is independent from the font length. Therefore, if your length value needs to stay the same, you do not have to worry. You will be able to control the height and be precise with your text content and designs.
Fiddling with the standard font length - Just like the font height, you can also fiddle with the font length. Just try to play with the same font controls for the font height, only change the percent value for the length instead. This is a great way to adjust your text content if the height needs to be fixed, but you have some leeway with the length.
Character spacing and kerning: Now if those size tweaks are still not doing it for you, you can try changing the character spacing values of your text. Again, you will need to go through the text of font controls on this one. Some software labels this as character spacing, while others label it as character tracking. The default value usually for this is zero or no adjustment. Add positive values to increase character spacing and negative values to keep characters close together. In some cases, you can even change the character kerning settings, or the space set when two certain characters come together (such as Wa and To).
This should add an additional text control element for your arsenal that should get your text into the tight or wide spaces that you need properly.
Great! I hope that these tricks will help you out get the text adjustments that you need to fit your text into your business card designs. Trust me, they have been useful in many of my business card designs.
by: Kaye Z. Marks
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