Aarkstore Enterprise---global Cloud-based Application Infrastructure Market 2009-2013
The Cloud-based Application Infrastructure market is increasingly becoming popular
, as it provides a flexible, low-cost business model to ensure its customers focus more on their core businesses instead of worrying about their business processes. Moreover, the businesses can easily meet the fluctuating demands through this model. Additionally, the Global Cloud-based Application Infrastructure provides integration of the workflow, and application services. Moreover, the service providers can support large number of customers through a single development environment. Further, it eliminates the need for time consuming patches and updates in the platforms.
The traditional Cloud-based Application Infrastructure included proprietary application development environment and single or proprietary programming language; thus, limiting the data portability. However, with the adoption of open standards in the Cloud-based Application Infrastructure, the portability feature has been enhanced. The developers are now provided with the option to choose the development tools, programming languages, operating environment, etc. through open platform. Further, it also allows the vendors to package their applications and provide more scope for innovation. For instance, the PaaS (Platform as a Service) providers can offer online communities or forums for sharing ideas, best practices or resolving issues.
The global economic slowdown has had an impact on IT spending by companies and they are adopting cost saving measures for the growth of their business. Further, the increasing use of web-based computing and popularity of web-based applications have fueled the growth of Cloud-based Application Infrastructure. However, there is a need for mutual trust & coordination among the customers & vendors to realize benefits.
Initially, the small & medium enterprises (specially the ones who were undergoing a credit crunch) had been opting for the Cloud-based Application Infrastructure market as a cost-effective alternative (such as making installment based payments). However, at present, the big companies have also started taking an interest in these services.
This report highlights scope of the Global Cloud-based Application Infrastructure market over the period 2009-2013, along with trends, drivers, growth inhibitors and a few major vendors.
Table of Contents :
1. Introduction
2. Market Size and Forecast
3. Geographic Segmentation
3.1.Market Size in Americas
3.2.Market Size in EMEA
3.3.Market Size in APAC
4. Market Trends in Cloud-based Application Infrastructure
5. Market Drivers in Cloud-based Application Infrastructure
6. Market Challenges in Cloud-based Application Infrastructure
7. Vendors
8. Related Reports in this Series
List of Exhibits
Exhibit 2.1: Global Cloud-based Application Infrastructure Market Size & Forecast 2009-2013 (In $million)
Exhibit 3.1: Geographic Segmentation - 2009 5
Exhibit 3.2: Cloud-based Application Infrastructure Market Size in Americas 2009-2013 (in $million)
Exhibit 3.3: Cloud-based Applications Infrastructure Market Size in EMEA 2009-2013 (in $million)
Exhibit 3.4: Cloud-based Application Infrastructure Market Size in APAC 2009-2013 (in $million)
For more information please contact :
From:Aarkstore Enterprise
Contact: Neel
Email: press@aarkstore.com
URL: www.aarkstore.com
by: Aarkstore Enterprise
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