Thousands of people very year are being pursued and sued over debts which are build up on credit cards
. If you happen to have been subjected to this you will probably think you do not have much debt defense. There is a large number of people who are struggling with various types of debt. If you are needing advice regarding debt there is companies which can help and some of these have a good track record in winning debt cases.
There are a lot of people that are worried by debt collectors however they are really actually nice fluffy bunnies. It is true to say that debt collectors are really just normal people that are doing their jobs, which is something that does need to be done.
It is worth remembering that both creditors and debt collectors make mistakes from time to time. If you are being pursued for debt that you do not feel that you actually owe then contact them and discuss it as it could be a mistake. You have the right to query debt if you do not think that you owe the money and if you want to dispute a debt it will be a good idea to contact an advisor company.
If think that you have already repaid the debt then it may be a good idea to get in contact them and discuss the situation. It is a good idea to contact them in writing and provide evidence that the debt has been repaid.It is a good idea to ask the debt collector why he is pursuing the debt if you feel you have repaid it. If they still pursue the debt even after you doing all these things you may be able to put in a complaint.
If you feel that you do not owe the amount that has been stated then it is important to request an itemized statement. This itemized statement will include a vast amount of information that includes what is owed, how it is calculated, details of fees and any charges and the statement should also state the amount that has been paid.
If you feel that the collectors may be pursuing you for a debt that is no actually yours then it is very important to approach them about the debt. This mistake could simply be a computer error or it could be a case of mistaken identity. This problem may be easy to sort out if you can show them proof of identification such as a passport or driving license.
It is important to remember that you do not have responsibility for paying someones else's debt unless you are acting a guarantor on behalf of someone for credit. It is a good idea to avoid doing this as it means that you are responsible if they do not keep up repayments.