A Global Information Network Review That Isn't Ridiculous

Share: For any person who has heard of GIN and is on the fence about whether it's worth
it to join this networking organization, I offer up the following Global Information Network review.
Through my own personal experience in the "club", I see that there are quite a few misunderstandings when it comes to what the Global Information Network is all about. It appears to me that many folks are confused as to exactly what GIN as an organization is up to.
These misunderstandings are understandable. There is quite a bit of both positive and negative information about GIN when you do a quick online search. Even though I'm in the group, I'll address both the positive and negative aspects of what you see when searching for GIN info.
The fact that Kevin Trudeau has a connection to the Global Information Network has caused quite the stir out there. When it comes to Trudeau, people either hate the guy or absolutely love him. There doesn't appear to me to be much middle ground.
All I can tell you is that I've been personally helped by his health and money-making information, whether it's from his books or the information I've learned as a GIN member. From where I sit, the folks who hate Trudeau have been brainwashed. If you're one of those brainwashed people, I mean no offense.
I only encourage you to think hard about why you feel the way you do on this subject. Is it truly because Kevin Trudeau is somehow an evil person or because you've been influenced by the media reports about him? Have you personally taken the time to read his books? Have you taken advantage of his health advice? If you haven't, what are you basing your opinion on?
If you're basing it on what you see on TV, consider that Trudeau is pointing out what big business, big pharma and big government are doing. I would think that you understand how much those entities work against the health, wealth and prosperity of you and your family. Doesn't it make sense that a person exposing corruption in those areas is going to be discredited through the media? It makes sense to me.
Now, the next thing I hear some people ask about the Global Information Network is whether the initiation fee and monthly dues are worth it. Again, I can only offer up my personal experience/opinion and my answer is that it's worth it. I've learned an immense amount of information in all the areas I want to improve in.
I've learned how to increase my income, how to have better health, I've had the opportunity to network with successful people who now mentor me, and I've been able to attend live seminars across the country that would have normally cost me anywhere from $5000 to $20,000 or more if I wasn't a Global Information Network member.
Those are all the reasons for why GIN members have joined the organization. To either better their health, wealth, network with other like-minded individuals, or take part in the seminars (or listen to the archived seminars if they are missed on the online member library).
No one can tell you whether GIN is the right place for you...only you can figure that out. I made the decision to join and it's been one of the best decisions I've made in my life up to this point. Good luck with your decision.
by: Dan Zavadil
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