84 Year Old War Veteran Says Incentives Could Ruin Cash Gifting
When I was still in the workforce I had a conversation with an 84 year old war veteran about the activity of cash gifting
. He was asking me many questions. When he was done he gave me this insightful overview. The main point he discussed with me was one regarding cash gifters being allowed to handle their own gifts and making that a separate transaction from the actual Admin fee.
Here is what he said. "What will ruin the cash gifting activity is the side deals created by allowing people to handle the cash instead of Administration taking care of it". I asked him to elaborate. He went on to say, "The ones in the program who have the deepest pockets to drive thousands of people to their websites will have the power to take ALL the new members because they can offer much better incentives than the less money backed members". Here is the deal. If people know that you offer great incentives why would they "shop" anywhere else? It creates the Wal-Mart mentality. Or, the potential new members just get the phone out and call other members telling them the "deal" that so and so offered them. Then it becomes an all out price war! I even heard of one guy who got a $10,000 position for $350!
Whether you believeit or not, he made some great points. What is the answer? I think that the Administration should handle ALL the gifts. They should take a fee to distribute the gifts. This way we could get gifts for the amount or levels that are already set. And that would level the playing field and make it better for all cash gifting members! And who could argue about that?
84 Year Old War Veteran Says Incentives Could Ruin Cash Gifting