In your quest to find home business ideas bear in mind that your home computer can provide you with a great resource to use to make money. Many opportunities that are available on the internet require little or no money to get started. 1. Something that has been successful for many other people is affiliate marketing. This is a great opportunity because almost everything you need is provided for you. You will not have to research a product, or create a new product, as this is an area where many people struggle. Affiliate marketing usually has many resources for help and this is a major advantage. If you have any questions about your affiliate, there should be a great team available to answer any of your questions. These are things you should look for in a good affiliate. 2. Get paid to taking online surveys without any experience. Taking paid surveys can be a great place to start if you are new to the online business world. Taking surveys allows you to make instant money and there is no limit to how many you can take. There are normally new surveys added each day and this gives you the opportunity to make new money daily. 3. Network marketing is something that can be done with the help of forums or even social networking sites. One way to get in touch quickly with other business minded individuals is by using forums. When you build a little repertoire you can then market your product. 4. Earn an income online by using your typing skills. You can utilize your good typing skills in many ways. Many business owners are looking for article writers and you can put these skills to great use. You will be promoting products and websites for business owners and you will get paid per article. 5. Blogging is something that almost anyone can do in his or her spare time. A good blog provides you with a multitude of ways to make money. You should spend your initial focus on building your blog and then the advertisers will come. When someone advertises on your blog, you can charge a monthly fee, or make a commission off each sale. There are many home business ideas that do not boast any type of startup fees. This can allow you to get started without any investment and begin to make the extra money you need. Having your own home business online may be one of the best moves you make.