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3 Unique Ways to Make More Money

Everyone wants more money

Everyone wants more money. Ask someone if they'll take your winning lottery ticket and I'm sure you know what answer you'll get. That's the problem though. People don't just want, they wish.

Well today is your lucky day. No, I can't grant your wish of more money. However, I might be able to give you the treasure map. So listen up, and you might be on your way to your own lottery ticket.

Everyone's heard of the standard investments: stocks, bonds, real estate. They are great and if you haven't learned about them, I would suggest you start. But in order to become truly wealthy its important to not just know about them, but to be passionate about them.

So let's find your passion. Here are 3 investing/money-making ideas that you may not have thought of, but certainly should consider:

1. Licensing

No your not going to sell licenses at your local DMV. That is not what I mean. When you license a product, it means you own the rights to a logo or cartoon character. Its how Walt Disney made a fortune of a mouse. He sold people the rights to use his mouse on their t-shirts, cartoon shows, etc.

If you want, you can come up with your own. However you can also just buy the rights to someone else's creation and then market it better. A Belgian cartoonist created a comic strip about small little blue people. An American business man got the rights for it in America and everyone found out who the Smurfs were. That guy made a lot of money.

2. Tax Lien certificates

Local governments need money to pay the salaries of police, firefighters, etc. How do they get this money? Property taxes. When someone can't pay their property taxes the government puts a lien on their property. You can buy this lien, guaranteeing the government gets its money.

In return, the government guarantees you a hefty interest on your money (paid by the delinquent tax payer) or you get their property. This is the way some people buy houses for pennies on the dollar. It doesn't matter how much the lien was for $500-1000, you get the house if they don't pay you back in time.

If they do pay you back, it is many times at an interest rate of anywhere from 12-25%. Try getting that at your local bank. Even if you could the government wouldn't guarantee it! its a WIN-WIN situation.

3. Network marketing

This is a topic that deserves its own article, but I wanted to mention it briefly because it is so powerful. Imagine a sales force of 100s of people underneath you. Going to work everyday, selling, and making you money.

This is how network marketing can work. You recruit other people to sell a product. In return you get a percentage of whatever they sell and a percentage of whatever the people they recruit sell. It really can be that easy.

So if you've become disinterested with the "standard" investment opportunities, here are 3 possibilities to REALLY get excited about. I'm actually going to go do some more research on each of these right now. Good luck!

3 Unique Ways to Make More Money

By: Jay Miles
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3 Unique Ways to Make More Money