20 Minute Mind Spa Review
20 Minute Mind Spa Review
20 Minute Mind Spa Review
The Law of Attraction all but guarantees that whatever we think about, we attract into our lives... whether we want it or not!
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That's because our habits of thought (beliefs) create our reality. And our lives will come to resemble the ideas we most commonly hold in our minds.
The most interesting thing about the Law of Attraction isn't that it doesn't work -- it's that it always works, even when we can't help thinking about things we dread.
And try as we may, most of us are at a loss when it comes to knowing how to effectively steer our thoughts.
Sure, we try to "be positive" ... do our best to picture a "better life" ... visualizing, journaling, reading countless books and listening to audio courses... only to end up where we started... frustrated, hopeless and defeated.
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The reason for this is simple. You can't change deep-seated beliefs, which are solidly anchored in your Subconscious Mind, by appealing to your Conscious Mind. That's because the Conscious Mind acts as a bouncer for the Subconscious -- rejecting any ideas that don't fit within the limiting beliefs that the Subconscious holds.
Recent research has transformed science's insight into the human mind, enabling us to harness our brain's fundamental physiology.
We now understand the essential pathways and frequencies used by the brain to facilitate the learning of new behaviors, habits and mindsets.
The root cause of all our problems and frustrations stem from an INADEQUATE SELF-IMAGE - the feeling of inadequacy that is formed by the time we're five or six years old.
This image -- how we see ourselves in the world -- largely determines our failure or success and it plays a more important role than any other single factor in shaping the quality of our lives.
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