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Overcome Childhood Obesity

The pediatrician may also refer you to a nutritionist. If it doesn't come up automatically from the doctor, ask about it. A nutritionist is key to making sure your child can grow properly and still move towards a healthier weight. In the meantime, here are some tips to help get you started. The days seem to be gone when wholesome, healthy meals are prepared every day. We now rely heavily on processed foods that have been prepared in...more

Gene Therapy In Children

Since its inception, gene therapy has been considered to be the future's ultimate cure for terminal diseases that have afflicted many people, and whose treatment still remains to be discovered. The concept behind such therapy is to replace a defective gene with a good gene and thus function normally. A few of such diseases that can be treated with gene therapy are the ones which have genetic component including cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, AIDS,...more

50/50 Child Access

While many issues in divorce law and the divorce process are subject to impassioned debate, there probably isnt a more contentious one than that of child access. For many divorcing couples, this is the CORE issue that launches them into litigation, and leaves them shaken and even traumatized long after the divorce is finalized.Right now, an aspect of this issue that is capturing a great deal of attention both positive and negative is that 50/50 custody between both parents should be the starting point in a divorce settlement, and only adjusted by the courts based on unique circumstances such as work schedule, domestic abuse, health issues, and so on.At, weve asked our readers whether they supported or rejected this 50/50 approach. Heres what weve discovered so far: 65% of women support this idea (35% dont) 87% of men support this idea (13% dont) Overall 74% support the idea (26% dont)Any way you look at the results women only, men only, or both the message, so far, is clear: the majority of people like the idea.Now wed like to know what you think. Do you support 50/50 custody as a starting point in law? Are you against it? Either way, please share your...more

5 Tips You Need To Keep In Mind When Buying Children's Toys

Whether you are buying toys for your own children or someone else's, you need to keep in mind certain things to ensure you get the appropriate toy.SafetySafety is the most important factor when looking at children's toys.At different ages there are different levels of safety factor. For example, with small children, you must ensure there are no...more

6 Things You Need to Know About Safe Wireless Browsing for Your Kids

6 Things You Need to Know About Safe Wireless Browsing for Your Kids These days, kids are practically glued to their gadgets. With a simple wireless connection, your children are able to spend hours surfing on the Internet without an idea of what they are doing or whom they are talking to. As a parent, it is important that you are aware of...more

Long Term Effects Of Childhood Obesity

While fat in American diets has decreased lately thanks to the public's response to the nationwide overweight epidemic, obesity is still a growing concern. While removing fat from their diets, folks can usually increase their intake of sugar, high density carbohydrates, and starches. Low protein and fat meals typically leave people feeling hungry, leading them to fill their stomachs as soon as possible.The long run effects of childhood obesity are numerous. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, and the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes are all major health risks that result from obesity. Obese adults frequently struggle against heart disease. Children with a traditional healthy rate rarely suffer from these conditions.One in all the most important considerations lately has been the rising number of youngsters afflicted with kind two diabetes - a disease that previously mainly afflicted adults. In the course of the last 2 decades, the statistics of youngsters and adult afflicted with this disease have risen to fifty percent. These days, nearly thirty % of all adults and twenty five p.c of all youngsters struggle with obesity. What is more, youngsters who are obese...more

Older Children,bedwetting,and Self Diapering

In my readings on nocturnal enuresis I have come across the following situation and I decided to devote a whole article to this topic. I don't know how prevalent it is but I felt it needed to be addressed. This issue concerns me and that is why I...more

6 Remedies Are The Best Eczema Treatment For Children

Every eczema sufferer will search high and low for the best eczema treatment in order to free themselves from the annoying and debilitating symptoms of eczema. If you are also searching for the best solution to stop eczema at its root cause, a quick...more

5 Ways Kids Can Make Money Online! (Secret - You Can Too!)

Here's five ways kids can make money online starting right away. And there's a big secret - you can too! I never could keep a secret! So don't worry kids, we're not talking about raking leaves, mowing yards or shoveling snow! We're...more

7 Tips For Getting Your Children Unplugged

Have you noticed that your kids are becoming more attached than ever to television, video games and texting? And the season doesn't seem to matter. During summer, with more free time and fewer structured activities, it's easy to turn to electronics...more

7 Causes For Bad Breath In Children

Halitosis is an offensive odor which comes from the mouth, nose, or airway. It is also defined as exhaled air containing more than 75 parts per billion of odor-producing volatile sulfur compounds. Halitosis in children is often due to the...more

6 Tips To Help Reduce The Weight Of Your Overweight Child

It is a worrying fact that children are getting fatter. Some estimates state that for every three children one is either obese or overweight and this number has doubled compared to 10 years ago.There are many factors to why kids are getting fatter....more
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