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Are you looking for more information regarding the new Offshore Conquest System and what it can help you achieve? This course is created by the well known and experienced Internet marketing coach Philip Mansour who explains exactly how he is managing to earn a good amount of profits for the past couple of months promoting niche products in foreign markets. He also shows how much cheaper it actually is to create advertising campaigns to market to foreign markets as compared to marketing in the US market.

1. What Can You Learn From The Offshore Conquest Course?

This entire course is video based and explains how you should be expanding your online business to international markets if you want to get a high Return-on-Investment. In fact, his most profitable advertising campaigns are targeted at niches that are perceived to be highly competitive in the US, eg. the weight loss market.

However, Philip has clearly shown how the overseas advertising market is now much less competitive. His course has taught me how to sell products overseas without having to understand the foreign language.

2. Is Offshore Conquest Really Worth the Money to Join?

I would say that the education I have received from this course is very unique and its value far exceeds the fee I had to pay to join it. The basic concept behind the system is actually very simple to understand, and if you have some idea about CPA marketing, you will be able to learn the strategies even more quickly. Basically, CPA marketing allows you to make money for every lead that you generate for other companies online.

The best part is that the people who fill up the CPA forms do not have to buy anything. Previously, Philip has also created other best selling educational products such as Zero Friction Marketing and Banner Ad Blueprint, both of which provides members with some idea of Cost Per Action marketing.

Offshore Conquest Review

By: Antton Straton

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