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Paris, Capital Of France

Situated in the north-central France, the city of Paris is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world with 30,000,000 visitors annually. It is bisected by the River Seine, and with a population of 12,000,000 inhabitants (including suburbs) is the second most populous city of the European Union after London.

Their economic activity is based primarily on financial services and real estate. Also emphasize the production of luxury goods, haute couture, perfumes and jewelry.

The weather is quite rainy, with temperatures not too low during winter and between 25 and 30 degrees during the summer epochal.

In its cuisine emphasizes meat, great pastries, a variety of cheeses and wines typical French.
Paris, Capital Of France

The capital Paris has three airports: Paris-Orly, Charles De Gaulle Orly and Beauvais Tille, located at a distance of 15, 23 and 26 kilometers respectively.

Highlight areas like the Latin Quarter, a place filled with students due to the proximity of the University of La Sorbonne, the District of Painters located at Place du Tertre, busy place for artists selling their works or pictures to anyone at any time, and the Disneyland Resort Paris, must-see spot, especially for the enjoyment of children, where we can find themed hotels, restaurants, cinemas and shops.

In the sports section, special mention should be the Stade de France, located in the Faubourg Saint-Denis. At this stage took place in the Football Championship Final of 1998, including selections from France and Brazil, with a score of 3-0 in favor of the French team. Likewise also held football, rugby events like music concerts between otros.Tiene a capacity for nearly 80,000 spectators.

Among its museums and monuments stand out:

-The Eiffel Tower with a height of 324 meters: completed in the year 1889, the work was directed by the engineer Gustave Eiffel, and the reason why it was ordered built to serve as input to the Paris Exposition.

-Notre-Dame Cathedral: Gothic style, built between 1163 and 1245.

-Louvre Museum: inaugurated on 8 November 1793. Contains collections of the world's most important works, such as: the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci or the Portrait of Rigaud's Louis XIV.

-Arc de Triomphe: is 49 feet high by 45 wide and is located in the Plaza de Charles de Gaulle.

-Church of the Madeleine: a neoclassical style, was built in 1806.

-The Champs Elysees: the capital's main avenue in Paris with a length of almost 2 miles.

-Palace of Versailles built by order of Louis XIV.

-Carnavalet Museum: located in the Marais district, shows the history of Paris from its inception to the present day.

-Orsay Museum: displays of realistic and impressionistic paintings by authors such as Gustave Courbet, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Vincent van Gogh or others.

by: Gen Wright

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