subject: Looking To Use Only Proven Online MLM Marketing Strategies To Improve Your Business Big Time? [print this page] Okay, the fact that you are still reading tells me you are serious about building your MLM business and using the internet as a big part of your business building activities.
The truth is, online MLM strategies are essential for your business to be successful. Why you ask? Because the internet will help you to build relationships on a much greater scale than any offline tactics ever could. You are able to meet thousands of people from all over the world that you would have never met otherwise.
Can you see how powerful this is? You can LASER target your marketing strategies to focus on certain groups of people, down to the zip code the reside in!
When you learn the online strategies that the top earners in network marketing are using to build their businesses, you will laugh at the rest of the people still trapped in the prehistoric times of old school prospecting and recruiting.
You get the point. But just for kicks, here are some very real - and very funny - comparisons to drive the point home:
1. Prospecting anyone that breathes in Target VS. Targeting qualified people who are right for your business on Facebook.
2. Placing classified ads in the newspaper where you have NO IDEA who read your ad, how many people saw it, etc. VS. PPC (Pay Per Click) Marketing where you can track EVERYTHING and only target the exact kind of people you want to sponsor into your primary business.
3. Using sales pitches for your business and products VS. Positioning yourself as a leader and branding yourself as an expert on your own blog.
4. Building a limited sized names list of your friends and family who are not even interested in your business VS. Building a 'names list' of UNLIMITED people looking for what you have to offer online with your own autoresponder.
I think you get the picture!
This doesn't mean that I think you should stop building your business offline. But I do think that there is no comparison. If you are not using online methods to build your business you are simply missing out.
In the end, it all boils down to combining your offline efforts with online marketing. This is where the industry is headed, and what all the top earners are already doing.
Looking To Use Only Proven Online MLM Marketing Strategies To Improve Your Business Big Time?
By: Eric Henderson
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