subject: Couple Traveling Tips [print this page] You and your wife may be a perfect partner at home, but that does not mean your travel style will fit. A Website recently asked the members of his Forum ( / forums), especially those who like to travel the world, for a variety of stories about traveling with a couple.
For some people, that experience does not always bring a touch of fresh air. Some people express their frustration at the hesitations were set aside for being an active partner in planning the trip. Others admit they feel a dramatic disappointment for trivial things. Some travelers share the lessons of the things they experienced, including their unique strategies for dealing with the difficult points with their mates.
1. Remind the couple that this was not a business trip. "I can travel around the world and not feel.... We strive to finish the sentence, and my husband could catch the message! He is often doing international business travel and family travel really different!"
2. Do not get lost. "I often feel stressed because I was the map reader and navigator, while her husband drove. This caused us to fight more than anything. But now we're using GPS and it changed everything!"
3. Find time for a walk alone. "We've found a great way to avoid boredom after 24 hours of togetherness. Be sure to schedule a separate trip on a regular basis, doing things you enjoy throughout the afternoon or evening. This will give talks and materials reduce the pressure."
4. Acknowledging the strength of your partner. "He made the paper work and we have not lost any one moment, and I highly appreciate it because we can make better decisions."
5. Resolve disputes before they occur. "It took ages for us to communicate confidential and the sanctity of our peace agreement... we vow to have fun during the holidays! How we do it: we are discussing at the beginning, before he left, things that usually causes a fight. We finish it before that happen. "
6. Stomach should be full. "The hunger is very dangerous, we learn not to postpone the dinner" after the museum's "or" later we Arriving in Malaga "because it was very, very bad."
7. Keep optimistic despite the inconvenience. "According to my understanding that it's easy to feel irritated because a heat, the destinations is not sure, feeling hungry during the second jam, or even more old and who knows what else can heaven, though in this list can take forever. We felt it all and I feel almost crazy. But as they often travel far and long, I learned to enjoy our time together and that it is incomparable with what we see or do not we see, what and when are we going to eat, when we will arrive at its destination - for a wife on the side. "
8. Let the little things pass. "I think we are much less fighting over the holidays, although we spend more time together, because we feel happy to be there. We used to feel the thrill of" woo hoo, we're more holidays nich "and ignore the things that might bother us at home.
9. Always find a cure for disappointment. "If you do not have time to visit a museum, there is still another down the road. If you're a wrong turn you can find another way to get there. If you order something you dislike, just order something else again. If you fortunately do not see any this trip, planned for homecoming.
10. Take the world as lovers. "Actually I find that we almost never fight or disagree with each other when we were traveling. Maybe it was because we stayed away from all the stress that could cause differences between us. It's kind of syndrome of 'us against the world'."
Couple Traveling Tips
By: Dwix
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