subject: Watch Out For Friends And Relatives When Obtaining Home Insurance Quotes [print this page] When you start shopping around for home cover, you need to be aware that friends and relatives in the industry or those that make recommendations about their personal agent might not have the best policies or deals.
In fact, chances are that they like the personality of the agent or they feel you will buy from them, no matter what kind of premium you have to pay or what type of cover you receive. For this reason, you need to watch out for well-meaning friends and relatives that are in the industry or ones that recommend the company they went with.
This does not mean you might not get an attractive quote for home cover, but many times, this is not the case. In fact, you might pay more because you do not know if the premiums were compared when your friends or relatives purchased their home insurance or if the cover is adequate to replace your home. You need to make sure that your quotes have enough cover to replace your home, in the event of total loss, such as a fire or bad storm. Replacement cover is not always automatically included in the quotes you get for your home. Some companies require you to purchase additional cover or purchase cover you do not need. When trying to save money on your home cover, you should shop carefully and watch out for friends and relatives.
Local representatives may not always give you the best premium, especially if you just phone their office. They may not know you are serious and may be quoting the average cover that most people get. Your policy should protect you adequately, but you may not need certain covers and you may be able to save on your premium by purchasing certain cover separately, instead of going for package products. When you are comparing quotes, make sure you are comparing similar products because they can vary more than you might realise. In addition, consider your personal needs, home replacement cost and personal contents, when pricing your chosen policies. An annual inventory should be done and you will want to get separate cover for valuables that might exceed the limits of contents normal cover.
When shopping for the best protection for your home, you need to do more than take recommendations from friends and relatives. You need to do your own investigations to find the proper cover for you, because you never know whether your friends or relatives have done comparison shopping before purchasing their own home insurance. If you have friends or relatives that are company representatives, they are going to push their own product, whether it is the most affordable or the best cover for your personal situation, because they earn commission for the sale! While you hate to lose a friend or make a relative mad, you can quietly shop for the proper home cover products and get quotes that are affordable and offer the cover you need for the best protection of your home and personal contents.
by: Tom Jones
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