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subject: Abs Belt Review [print this page]

An abs belt review can be helpful or mystifying, depending on a variety of factors. Ideally, an abs belt review will help you make a good decision when it comes time to buy an abs belt or any other type of abdominal training product. Such products are wildly popular on the market today, and for good reason. The abdominal region is very difficult to train and develop. Consumers are looking for all the help they can get. So if youre shopping for any type of abdominal training product, a good product review can be indispensible.

The more mystifying abs belt reviews are those that are going to dismiss all abs belts outright. After all, to a lot of consumers and reviewers, abs belts seem too good to be true, so they must be false. But this might not necessarily be the case. A more helpful approach might involve trying to understand some of the crucial differences between abs belts. Furthermore, a good review could help consumers recognize the true purpose of an abs belt. Not all abs belt companies want to talk about this latter topic, but its as important as anything when youre trying to make an educated decision.

An abs belt, at least the best kind out there, typically works on Electric Muscle Stimulation technology. This means the belt can stimulate your abs in order to make them work as they would in an abdominal exercise. Some companies advertise this as the end of the story. Simply wear their belt and the rest is abdominal toning history. And because of companies like this, a lot of folks think abs belts are all shams.

But lets take the Flex Belt as one example among some significant competitors, including, Slendertone, and Ab Sonic. The Flex Belt is an FDA cleared device advertised as an abdominal strengthener and toner. Using medical grade gel pads, the Flex Belt sends the EMS signal to the entire abdominal region, putting it through the motions, as it were, of a real ab workout. The Flex Belt website suggests this function is good only for muscle development, but not for total abdominal transformation. In other words, you cant just strap on a Flex Belt and hope for the best. Rather, you have to eat well and exercise regularly in addition to using the Flex Belt. So along with the high quality components and the FDA clearance, this lifestyle suggestion would seem to set the Flex Belt apart from at least some of its competitors.

An abs belt review that can highlight differences like this would be useful in helping consumers to shop wisely. After all, if not all abs belts are equal, then some are better than others. The Flex Belt is one example. Consumers can take heart that the whole abs belt market is not necessarily a scam.

by: Casey Gray

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