subject: The Key To Making A Personal Change [print this page] The key to success is to change whatever it is that you need to change in order to get to where it is that you need to go. This is the hardest thing for us as human beings because we are self centered. We see everything from our own vision and perspective and we tend to believe that whatever we think in our own mind is what is right. As babies we are spoiled from day one. People will cater to our every need and put on over us. This has the effect of making us believe that we are the center of the universe. This belief in the infant will continue into the life of the adult.
Lately as I have aged, I have had the privilege of watching young parents attempt to raise children. The thing that always makes me laugh is when the young parent wants to punish the child for a behavior that the child is learning from the parent. I get a kick watching stubborn parents trying to discipline stubborn children. If the young wife does not know how to respectfully address her husband, she should not be surprised when the child does not properly respect her. I know one young mother who has the most sarcastic attitude that you can imagine. Well this is the same attitude that her child displays.
My point in saying all of that is to say this, we must be willing to admit that we have a problem before we can modify our behavior. Anything that we do to change will go much better if we realize that we really do need to change. You can not help people who do not realize that they need help. You cant help yourself until you are willing to admit your own shortcomings.
Behavior modification comes by repetition. New behaviors must be learned and constantly practiced until they become the rule rather than the exception. There must also be some form of positive reinforcement involved in order to enforce the new and desired behavior. You need to use whatever works for you in order to make a change. Positive reinforcement makes the new behavior a desired thing rather than some work which has to be done.
Reinforce your own positive behavior. When I was a bodybuilder the positive reinforcement was easy. The results of all of the dieting and lifting were evident when I looked in the mirror. Even so there sometimes needed to be reinforcement along the way to help to motivate me to keep up with the regimen. The physical results often took a long time to realize and required a lot of diligence and patience before they could be seen. I had to use other inducements along the way to help me to stay motivated and continue with the intensive workouts. One thing that I did was to work out with friends.
There were many days that the only reason that I went to workout was because I knew that someone was there expecting me to show up.
This article is not the end all for every situation. This situation probably is much different from the situation that you find yourself in. You can apply these same principles to your own life. We all can use this advice in one way or another. A wise person is the person who realizes that you can learn from anyone. A wise man or woman can learn from a child if he or she will have enough humility to realize it. Are you wise enough to know how to improve your own situation in life?
You can take what you need out of this and use it for your own needs. You may not be an aspiring bodybuilder, but if you are like the majority of the people that I know you do have some type of personal issue that you want to change. Riceland Enterprises
by: tishbite
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