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subject: The International Half Marathon (late December) - A Worthwhile Effort [print this page]

The International Half Marathon (late December) - A Worthwhile Effort

Plagued by decades of civil war, Cambodia was fast becoming a country that saw no future that did not involve violence. Thousands were displaced and hundreds of others either lost their lives in the war or had to sacrifice a limb just so they could live tell their story. These horrific times have now come to an end and Cambodia is finally thriving once again. The lush tropical landscape and the culturally rich heritage of this vibrant land is once again accessible to travellers and explorers around the world.

Thousands of athletes and fans travel from countries across the world to either participate in this great event or to see it with their own eyes. What started off as a fund raising effort to aid the growing need of prosthetic limbs in Cambodia due to the heavy use of landmines in civil war activities, has now grown into becoming a much awaited global event which has aided the fund raising efforts and has also been able to attract a large number of tourists to the region.

This annual racing event is divided into 6 categories which separate the runners into various groups to ensure a greater chance of victory to all parties involved. The International Half Marathon is the main event and is open to both male and female athletes. The 10km Road Race, the 21km Wheelchair Race and the 10km Artificial Leg Race is also open to participants of both genders. The 5km Fun Run on the other hand is an open event is more of a family event that anyone can take part in. Taking part in all these races come with a registration fee that aids the prosthetic limb fund which is the initiative that this event was formed to support.

Collecting various awards along the way Raffles Grand Hotel dAngkor has been and continues to carry on as a leading luxury hotel Cambodia that sets the benchmark when it come to customer service and international standards in accommodation in the country. This hotel in Siem Reap offers a convenient location that ensures easy access to many of the citys most popular tourist attractions.

by: Pushpitha Wijesinghe

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