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subject: Acn Review - This Review Puts Acn Under The Microscope [print this page]

History of ACN
History of ACN

ACN recognizes itself as the world's largest direct selling telecommunications brand. It specifically deals in telecom, internet and wireless services. The company began its operations in 1993 as American Communications Network. By 2009, the company had expanded its network to more than 20 countries in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. According to the 2008 financial figures, the company has an annual turnover in excess of US$500 million.

Greg Provenzano is the President and co-founder of the company. Prior to this, Provenzano worked with a national-level marketing company. His experience in direct selling marketing had a major influence on the expansion of ACN network across the world. His marketing skills also proved worthy when Donald Trump, multi-billionaire of The Apprentice fame, endorsed ACN's network marketing business. As part of its social responsibility, the company runs ACN's Charitable Giving initiative. Under this program, the company helps major charitable organizations in raising funds. Ronald McDonald House Charities is one of the beneficiaries of this program.

In over two decades of its networking business, ACN has faced several lawsuits. However, the company has been penalized only once for misleading advertisements.

Product Review

The company, initially, began only with telephone calling products. With advancement in the communication sector, ACN has incorporated a range of products. The company has products in five different segments:

* Digital Phone service with high-speed internet connection * Wireless communication * Local and long distance calling with high-speed internet connection * Home security technology and services * Satellite TV * Video Phones

Compensation Plan

The ACN compensation plan is not very different from other MLM programs, except for its technology twist. An individual can earn by introducing customers to ACN products. By retail promotion, you can earn throughout the time that the particular customer remains an active ACN subscriber. Additionally, you can earn by expanding your network by promoting ACN distributorship and enrolling new business builders.

Bottom Line on ACN

With years of successful networking, I believe that ACN is a genuine window of opportunity for people interested in the MLM business. The company is also a member of the Better Business Bureau and Direct Selling Association. Since ACN products appeal to the masses, they are pretty easy to sell. There are companies that are evolving off the ACN concept and improving the telecom/wireless make sure you survey the industry before you decide on ACN.

If you are seriously considering expanding your ACN business network, it is essential that you use the internet as a marketing tool.

by: James Wehner

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