subject: Online Leveling guide For Horde [print this page] With the clock ticking down before Deathwing tears Azeroth a new expansion, now is the perfect time to get to see a side of the game that you may have never seen before. If you wait too long it will be gone forever. For me, that would mean visiting the Horde. But, since I haven't played on that side before, it will be almost as if I'm starting all over. It's a bit tough to leave behind my mounts, money, and various other toys I've collected over the years for a life of blood and honor. On top of that, I wouldn't have the foggiest idea where to begin. What I would need is a Horde leveling guide to help me cope with being a lowly peon. But, which one should I choose? There are a number of both Horde leveling guides and general leveling guides that all say that they are the best. Of all of them, there are three stand outs when it comes to guides for the Horde. The Zygor leveling guide, Dugi's Ultimate Guide, and Joana's Horde leveling guides.
If you've never bought a guide before, or have concerns over these guides' quality, both Zygor's and Dugi's guides offer free samples of at least part of the content of the guide. If you're worried about the quality of these guides, you can take them out for a test spin before putting down your cold hard cash. It's a bit harder to recommend Joana's guide because it doesn't have a sample for a new user to try out. However, the money back guarantee is there should you be nervous about the guide's quality. None of these three are put together by fly-by-night companies. All three guides are top notch and would be a great buy for someone who is wanting to level up quickly before the expansion launches.
If you're concerned that you're buying a product that will be no good in a couple months, there isn't a need to worry. All these guides will be updated in no time for the new content. All you will need to do is to download the new version and you will be set. In the meantime, you will be able to read and talk in the member's section that each site provides to buyers.
If you're like me and have played only Alliance, trying to figure out where to go can be greatly confusing without a Horde leveling guides. It helps make sense of the various strange location names and zones that I've honestly only seen below me while on a flight path.
Online Leveling guide For Horde
By: Leveling Guides
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