subject: Getting Pregnant How - You Might Be Doing These 3 Deadly Mistakes You Should Have Avoided [print this page] Author: Pregnancy Advisor Author: Pregnancy Advisor
Getting Pregnant How You are ready to take a big step and reached the conclusion to become a parent. But subsequently suddenly you realize that try as you might, you are having trouble getting pregnant. It is not as easy as how many women create it sound to be. Why is it difficult for you to get pregnant? Apart from the obvious things that you should have been doing which includes; Getting Pregnant How * Having a healthy diet * Exercise regularly and keep in shape * Avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine * Manage stress you still have a hard time getting pregnant. You followed your mother's, your doctor's and your friends' advice and it still seems that you are having trouble getting pregnant... Will you ever get pregnant? This used to happen to me, until I discovered that I have been doing these 3 deadly mistakes which drastically ruin your chances of conception! First Mistake - Saving Up Sperm Until Your Ovulation Period Getting Pregnant How Many couples think that it helps to save up sperm only to use it during ovulation period. While it is true that by saving up sperm you will have plentiful when you need it, most of these sperm will be sluggish and tired, and will have a hard time making their way to meet up with the egg. So it is best that you have fresh sperm during your ovulation. What I recommend is that your partner should ejaculate every five days to keep a good supply of healthy sperm. Second Mistake - Using Sperm Killing Lubrication While many of us thought that by using lubrication during sex helps things to go "smoothly", it can actually ruin your chances of getting pregnant. Any store bought lubrication can actually weaken the sperm, this goes also for Vaseline and KY Jelly. Getting Pregnant How But if you have to have some sort of lubrication during sex, I recommend you to use egg whites. It can seem gross, but egg whites are very sperm friendly. Start raising a family! Get Pregnant Today by getting Getting Pregnant How ebook now!About the Author:
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