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subject: Most Information About Magnesium [print this page]

Magnesium is a chemical element and is the eighth most abundant element in the earths crust. Its the third most abundant element which can be dissolved in seawater and is the fourth most abundant element in human body and is very essential for good health. The compounds of the same are used medicinally as laxatives. It has flammable nature and burns at high temperature which makes it as a handy tool for emergency fires. It is used to remove sulfur from steel and iron; it can be combined with alloys which are necessary for the construction of airplanes and missiles and it can also be used to refine titanium etc.

Magnesium in our body: Almost 50% of the total magnesium in our body is in our bones and the other 50% is inside the cells. 1% of the same is found in blood. More than 300 biochemical reactions of our body need it. It is absorbed in the small intestines and is excreted out of our body through our kidneys. It helps in keeping heart rhythm steady, maintains good muscle and nerve functions and the most important it keeps our bones strong. It also helps in regulating blood sugar levels and blood pressure. It plays an important role in preventing disorders like diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

Which foods are the sources of magnesium?

-> Green Leafy Vegetables which contains chlorophyll molecule (it contains magnesium).

-> Unrefined grains, some legumes like beans and peas.

-> Nuts and seeds like peanuts and almonds.

-> Bread made from whole wheat flour.

Hard water can be a source of magnesium because it contains more amount than the soft water.Magnesium deficiency can result into health problems like nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite, abnormal heart rhythms, personality changes etc.

by: Erneststeinbec

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