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Jack Johnson Tickets - 'to The Sea' Is Third Billboard Number One

Jack Johnson's 2010 album To the Sea topped Billboard's pop music charts upon its release. Just in time for summer, the former surfer turned guitar player's album garnered 243,000 in sales for the first week, reports Nielsen SoundScan, sailing it straight to the top of the music charts.

For the king of mellow rock, this is his third consecutive album that has knocked off dominating pop stars from the top spot, following 2006's Sing a Longs and Lullabies for the Film Curious George and 2008's Sleep through the Silence. Jack Johnson tickets online will get you through the summer heat with his smooth melodies and laid-back attitude.

Few artists these days have managed to maintain public figures in album sales and personal lives outside of the mainstream. Johnson is the lone exception, as his Hawaiian upbringing keeps him humbled while still modernly prominent during the supporting tour. While you won't find articles about the guitarist and his wife in turmoil, you'll read about the non-profit organizations he supports and the special events he attends. In many reviews it's hard not to see the cliche in most of Johnson's music, but for his target audience - the native surfers and beach lovers - each melodic blend of water friendly singles reveal the perfect antidote from typical summertime buzz.

Hidden behind his dreamy melodies are messages that delve into topics deeper than most musicians make these days. From the loss of a friend, paranoia and existentialism, it's easy to get lost in the harmonies though it's significant to understand the lyrics. He most likely learned such values while studying cinematography at the University of California, Santa Barbara, which he turned his full attention toward following a surfing accident.

His first documentary, Thicker Than Water, proved to be a successful effort that pinned Johnson as a valuable director in addition to a guitar handyman (he penned all the film's music). Surfing films became his passion until G. Love & Special Sauce covered one of Johnson's songs, a mainstream event that helped to get him a recording deal.

The debut Brushfire Fairytales went platinum and introduced non-surfers to a whole new musical genre. After a tour in support of the debut Johnson quickly returned to the studio for 2002's On and On, and another in 2005, In Between Dreams. The latter was recorded in Mango Trees Studio in Hawaii with longtime producer Mario Caldato, and once again sold high with a total of two million copies.

Though the album would see his highest chart position, it was just a year later and an animated film soundtrack album that gave Johnson his first number one set. Sing a Longs and Lullabies for the Film Curious George was originally supposed to be a soundtrack but turned into a best seller that was favored by all age groups. Johnson continued to record and found meaningful inspiration when his cousin succumbed to brain cancer. Sleep through the Static was a sorrowful album was nonetheless inspiring, and went to the top of the charts again.

by: Pat Smith

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