subject: How To Pregnent A Girl - How to Get Pregnant With a Girl Baby [print this page] Author: Pregnancy Advisor Author: Pregnancy Advisor
How To Pregnent A Girl If you've discovered presently article, I undergo to presume such a you're trying to get pregnant and that you'd strongly prefer to conceive a girl baby relatively as opposed to a baby boy. You perhaps suspect (or are at least researching) who there are natural, inexpensive ways that you can do such a at home, without costly medical intervention. How To Pregnent A Girl This article am able to outline tips and advice this you will improve the ability of you pull off this target and is planning to explain why these things work, (and how properties work best.) Understanding Baby Girl Producing Sperm: First, I want to briefly go into how conception (with either gender) happens and how you can use some of the characteristics of the different sperm chromosomes to your advantage. The father-to-be's sperm contains X (girl) and Y (boy) producing chromosomes. Only one of these will be the first to fertilize the egg. If a Y wins, you get a boy and the opposite is true if the X does the job. In this trip to the egg, the boy sperm are by far the fastest, but also by far the weakest. They are seriously weakened and compromised by time and by your vaginal tract (and by the environment that they will encounter once there.) Likewise, although the girl producing sperm are slow, they are by far the stronger of the two. Time and your vaginal PH do not affect them nearly as much. You can use this to your great advantage when it is time to conceive. I will outline how to do this below. How To Pregnent A Girl Timing For A Baby Girl Conception: So, now we know that time is on our side if we're trying to conceive a girl. It makes sense then to use this to your full advantage. The girl sperm can live for several days in your vaginal tract, but the boy can not. So, you should conceive 3 - 4 days before you will ovulate. This sounds so easy, but this is where many women will miscalculate. So many women assume that they ovulate half way between their menstrual cycle and are wrong about this. Or, they will use methods taught to them by their mothers (basal temperature, cervical mucus, the rhythm method, etc.) without realizing that technology has given us much more reliable ways to know exactly when we can become pregnant. I'm talking about ovulation predictors that take the guess work out of this equation. How To Pregnent A Girl There are two kinds - saliva and urine. I've used both with success, but I much prefer the saliva kind as I believe they are more reliable and are able to give you more advanced notice. I like that they are reusable and that you can use them at any time during the day and not just first thing in the morning as is the case with urine (and urine predictors also give you only one chance per day.) Start raising a family! Get Pregnant Today by getting How To Pregnent A Girl ebook now!About the Author: Don't worry about infertility anymore. How To Pregnent A Girl is a proven Pregnancy Miracle program