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Uk Motorcycle Insurance 2010 - Market Research Reports On Aarkstore Enterprise


The report examines key distribution trends taking place in the motorcycle insurance market and offers insight into the advertising strategies of the top motorcycle insurance distributors. It also analyses which underwriters are leading the way in this market and forecasts what the future holds for the sector over the next four years.


*Analysis of market size and the drivers behind recent developments.

*Insight into the main competitive developments taking place in the UK motorcycle insurance market.

*GWP forecasts to 2014, based on in-house expertise and proprietary model.


In 2008, total advertising spend on motorcycle insurance fell by a significant 60.0% to 323,985 from 810,683 in 2007. It is likely that the recession was a significant driver behind many firms' decisions to reduce their spending on marketing that year in a bid to decrease expenses.

Industry executives stated that the popularity of aggregators had peaked in 2009, with the recession driving many consumers onto price comparison sites in a bid to generate cost savings. One industry executive interviewed by claimed that as much as 40% of new business sales were being delivered through aggregators in 2009.

Under base case scenario it is assumed that the tough market conditions in 2009 led to a decline of 3.2% in policies-in-force due to a reduction in penetration rates. However, 2010 will see a return to growth in policy numbers as recreational motorcyclists return to the market.

Reasons to Purchase

*Benchmark your performance against that of your competitors.

*Plan your future motorcycle insurance strategy using Datamonitor's market size forecasts.

*Keep abreast with the latest competitor developments taking place in the market.

Table of Contents :

"Overview 1

Catalyst 1

Summary 1


Aggregators are causing a stir in the motorcycle insurance market 2

The top three aggregators are pushing motorcycle insurance sales on their sites 2

Aggregators are diminishing traditional motorcycle broker brands 2

Groupama is growing its share rapidly in a market estimated to be worth 176m in 2009 2

The market remains attractive though pillion passenger claims represent a risk to profitability 2

Groupama has been making a big play in the market 3

The return of the 'recreational biker' is central to the market achieving growth 3

Table of Contents 4

Table of figures 5

Table of tables 6


Introduction 7

The motorcycle insurance market has attractive profit margins 7

GWP contracted in 2009 as a result of the recession and strong competitive pressures in the market 7

Aggregators are bringing dynamic changes to the market 7

There are good margins to be had in the motorcycle insurance business 8

The total motorcycle parc has continued to increase, though new registrations have declined significantly 9

The number of registered motorcycles has been steadily increasing in Great Britain 9

New motorcycle registrations fell by 9.0% in Great Britain in 2009 10

Powerbikes continue to dominate the UK motorcycle parc, which is continuing to age 12

More than half of motorcycles in Great Britain were first registered more than six years ago 12

The number of motorcycles with engine sizes above 1,000cc have increased significantly in Great Britain 14

Powerbikes comprise half of the top 10 models of motorcycles sold in the UK 16

Improvements in road safety are positively impacting claims costs for insurers 17

Greater awareness of road safety issues has resulted in a decline in the number of motorcycle casualties 17

The risk of death or serious injury remains considerably higher for motorcyclists than other road users 19

Claims frequency fell in the UK motorcycle market in 2008 21

Claims costs relating to theft have been reduced significantly in 2008 22


Introduction 25

Carole Nash has launched a policy covering cars and motorcycles 25

Carole Nash introduced a new product that covers cars as well as motorcycles, and took over the Harley Davidson Insurance Scheme 25

Saga launched a motorcycle insurance product for the over-50s 25

Brokers continue to dominate the distribution of motorcycle insurance, although aggregators are emerging as a powerful force 26

Carole Nash, Bennetts and Devitt are the largest distributors of motorcycle insurance in the UK 26

Most aggregators offer comparison services for motorcycle insurance 27

Groupama has made a big play in the market in recent years 27

Five of the top 10 witnessed their premium income contract in the motorcycle insurance market 27

Market leader Equity Red Star continued to witness a contraction in its motorcycle GWP 27

AXA's premium income declined by 11.7% to 13.6m 27

HSBC and QBE witnessed substantial falls in their premium income 27

RSA experienced a 1.3% fall in its premium income 28

Three of the top 10 witnessed growth in their motorcycle books of business in 2008 28

Aviva and Groupama experienced double-digit growth in 2008 28

RBS experienced modest growth in its motorcycle business during 2008 28

Advertising spending on motorcycle insurance has fallen considerably since 2006 31

Competitors spent less of their advertising budgets on direct mail in 2008 31

Bennetts significantly reduced its marketing spend on motorcycle insurance in H1 2009 32

Devitt was the only motorcycle insurance advertiser to spend a proportion of its budget on direct mail advertising 34


Introduction 37

Base case: moderate increases in price will lead to the market reaching 204.2m in GWP by 2014 37

Underlying increases in the motorcycle parc and increases to price will result in moderate growth in GWP 37

GWP is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 2.9% between 2010 and 2014 39

Best case: strong price increases will drive GWP growth in the market 40

Underwriters will achieve strong rate rises as competitive pressures ease in the market 40

Strong rate increases will drive GWP upwards to 251.7m by 2014 42

Worst case: GWP growth remains subdued after experiencing a significant fall in 2009 43

Policies-in-force are expected to increase by an average annual rate of 3% between 2010 and 2014 43

Motorcycle GWP is forecast to recover slowly under the worst case scenario 45


Definitions 47

Premium income measures 47

Earned premiums 47

Gross Premium 47

Net Premium 47

Written premiums 47

Other definitions 47

Channel 47

Direct insurer/writer 47

Brokers 47

Bancassurers 47

Brandassurers 48

Platform 48

Further reading 48

Ask the analyst 48

consulting 48

Disclaimer 48

List of Tables

Table 1: UK motorcycle GWP, 2005-09 (000) 8

Table 2: Motorcycle and total vehicle parc in Great Britain, 2002-09 (000s) 10

Table 3: Total number of new motorcycle registrations in Great Britain, 2002-09 (000s) 12

Table 4: Motorcycle parc by age of first registration, 1999-2008 (000s) 14

Table 5: Motorcycle parc in Great Britain by engine size, 1999-2008 (000s) 16

Table 6: Top 10 motorcycle models in the UK, 2008 17

Table 7: Road traffic casualties in Great Britain, 2001-08 19

Table 8: Reported road casualties in Great Britain: relative risk of different forms of transport, 2008 (Rate per billion km) 21

Table 9: Volume and frequency of motorcycle claims in the UK, 2004-08 22

Table 10: Motorcycle theft claims statistics, 2004-08 24

Table 11: Vehicle related theft offences, 1981-2008/09 (000s) 24

Table 12: The top 10 UK motorcycle insurers by market share, 2005-08 30

Table 13: The top 10 UK motorcycle insurers by GWP, 2005-08 (000s) 31

Table 14: UK motorcycle advertising spend by media, 2006-08 () 32

Table 15: Advertising spend by competitor, 2006 to H1 2009, () 34

Table 16: Motorcycle insurance advertising spend by competitor and media, H1 2009 36

Table 17: Base case: key variables affecting motorcycle insurance GWP, 2010-14 39

Table 18: Base case: forecast of UK motorcycle GWP, 2010-14f 40

Table 19: Best case: key variables affecting motorcycle insurance GWP, 2010-14 42

Table 20: Best case: forecast of UK motorcycle GWP, 2010-14f (000) 43

Table 21: Worst case: key variables affecting motorcycle insurance GWP, 2010-14 45

Table 22: Worst case: forecast of UK motorcycle GWP, 2010-14f (000) 46

List of Figures

Figure 1: GWP contracted in the market in 2009 as a result of strong competitive pressures and fewer motorcycle sales 8

Figure 2: There are clear margin benefits from playing in the niche motorcycle market 9

Figure 3: The number of registered motorcycles in Great Britain reached 1.4 million in 2009 10

Figure 4: New registrations of motorcycles fell significantly in Great Britain in 2009 11

Figure 5: Most motorcycles in the British motorcycle parc were first registered between six and 13 years ago 13

Figure 6: Powerful motorbikes are increasing as a proportion of the total motorcycle parc in Great Britain 15

Figure 7: The number of motorcycle casualties have declined significantly since 2001 18

Figure 8: Motorcyclists are more likely to be involved in serious accidents compared to other types of road users 20

Figure 9: The total number of motorcycle claims notified to insurers fell in 2008 22

Figure 10: Motorcycle theft claims costs continued to fall in 2008 23

Figure 11: Saga launched a motorcycle insurance policy for the over-50s 26

Figure 12: Equity Red Star held a significant share in the UK motorcycle insurance market 29

Figure 13: Competitors have been spending significantly less on advertisin

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by: Aarkstore Enterprise

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