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subject: Viralurl - A Viral Review [print this page]

ViralURL is a list building and cloaking URL service created by Frank Bauer and Colin klinkert. A list builder is a mailing list where members can email each other advertisement. These emails are not considered spam because each member has agreed to the emailing terms with their membership. Membership can range from free to platinum which comes with varying benefits.

A list building service also serves as a way for members to receive credits for clicking on other members link in exchange for advertisement of their link. If you are new to the internet you may not be aware of what a URL is and it is simply the address of a web page. It is more formally called the Uniform Resource Locator.

The cloaking URL is simply a way to shorten and/or disguise the URL so that is does not look like an affiliate link. Many online get bombarded daily with sales pitches to this or that affiliate link and cloaking is one way to disguise the link. This usually increases the chances of someone clicking the link versus it being exposed openly as an affiliate link. There are many benefits and features to list builder services.

Some benefits of using ViralURL include:

1. Free Sign up. There is an option to upgrade your membership where you can send emails but elect not to receive emails from other members. 2. List Building. This allows you to send 3,000 emails every three days and advertise your business in addition to ViralURL so you can build a down line list. 3. Email Section - In addition to the 3,000 emails twice per week you also have the ability to email the entire down line (the list you have built plus the list your down line has built) multiple levels down. 4. You also have the ability to use text advertising to promote your various affiliates programs. This allows you to not only promote ViralURL but other affiliate programs you may belong to using banner ads. 5.Commissions through referrals. As you refer others to become a member of ViralURL, once their service is upgraded from free membership to gold or platinum levels you receive commissions.

There are many other features and benefits associated with this product which has only been around for a few years. ViralURL currently has a database of over 60,000 members which continues to grow daily. Subscribe to my blog at for more information.

by: Val Taylor

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