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Funded Proposal Secrets How To Really Use It To Build Your Mlm Business

You might have heard what a funded proposal is before, but really, there can be more too it than at the initial look, and far too many people who even do online network marketing fail to implement it properly. Done correctly, it can completely change the dynamic of your business.

In general a funded proposal is a means to earn cash up front while you are building your own network marketing business. But really, there can be more too it than at the initial look, and far too many people who even do online network marketing fail to implement it properly. But admittedly, the big bonus here is an extra source of revenue and the ability to recoup advertising costs.

What a funed proposal does is help you leverage the number of people that you come across and offer them valuable assistance while at the same time earning income while building your business base. Then you can take this money and pay for leads that you produce with those funds.

The ultimate ideal with this is that you will be able to completely pay for any kind of marketing costs, whether online or offline simply by bringing this concept into your business. If you earn $200 for every business partner, and 1 per 100 leads, you are thus earning an extra $2 per lead.

Some really fundamental business math allows you to grasp what we are talking about with a funded proposal. To make it easy, let's say that you go out and recruit one person out of 100 you come across, thereby earning a $100 bonus when they join. This in turn allows you to earn a dollar for every lead that enters your system. All this by simply adding one simple step to your marketing of your business.

Now, lets incorporate the funded proposal into our marketing. Here is where most people in internet network marketing fail. Far too often they only refer things like training products to their subscribers on their list. There are far easier ways to earn cash in your business. You can even set this up as part of your autoresponder and get all of thing going automatically.

Funded Proposal

On a larger scale, a funded proposal is really only a way to monetize the leads that never buy your product or never join your opportunity. You do this by offering things of value to them and then going ahead and you are able to make a commission off of that, making it a win win for both parties. Plus this simple step will make you even more of an expert in the eyes of those people that you help out by telling them about things of value.

So what other ways can you earn money in your business before you even begin to build a downline through the funded proposal concept? That is the key question here.

Listed below are some ideas that work very well, and are listed in order of difficulty in terms of a seller earning money off of it. Most important is quick implementation of all of these strategies into your business.

Things such as: Google Adsense, CPA or being paid to generate leads for others, general affiliate products related your niche, your own information products, and finally and last but not least your own product or business opportunity. It is important to incorporate all of them into your business, and not limit your options here.

In the example above using some simple things as those funded proposal examples above can dramatically increase that $1 per lead to easily $200 or $300 per lead. It is best to learn how to channel those additional earnings into more and more leads which eventually gives you more and more income over the long haul, and thus more exposure to your network marketing opportunity. But, the point here is to increase the revenue streams in your business.

To really educate yourself on how to use a funded proposal to improve your business, read below and click on the link for more information.

by: Kurt Henninger

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