subject: insurance Covered Shoes [print this page] Insurance covered shoes are generally orthopedic shoes. Since a lot of people nowadays experienced difficulties while walking due to some pain, using orthopedic shoes is highly recommended. By using such shoe, it will correct the foot position so that pain may be lessened and may not possibly occur. They can redistribute the weight so that your feet do not have to compensate for extra weight or trauma. Are these kinds of shoes really covered by our insurance? Insurance companies only cover these items under certain circumstances.
First of all in order for you to find out if its covered or not, the best thing you can do is to to find out your coverage like logging in to your insurance company website or by calling them. Basically, you wanted to know if the service/product (i.e. Chiropractor, Naturopath, Orthotics) is covered. You also want to ask if how much is the dollar amount covered per year and what is the percentage of coverage per treatment. Second, you want to find out if Orthotics are covered. Try to ask which healthcare practitioners can prescribe the orthotics, What is the coverage for orthotics, Is it a flat amount or a percentage of the total cost, How often are orthotics covered like quarterly or yearly and what other information does the insurance company require for reimbursement? (i.e. receipt, prescription, biomechanical examination).
There are certain insurance companies that provide reimbursement for stock orthopedic shoes, and modified orthopedic shoes. However, they need a certain documents like receipt, prescription and exam results for your reimbursements. When you come in for treatment, you better make sure you have received a receipt or a prescription from your doctor.
Most insurance companies will only pay for the shoes and inserts if they are an integral part of a covered leg brace and they are medically necessary for the proper functioning of the brace. Shoes and inserts will also be covered if the insurance contract has a benefit for orthotics and does not exclude foot orthotics. If the insurance policy does have the benefit for orthotics the shoes and inserts will usually be covered if they are used to treat a medical problem or deformity. There are several types of orthopedic shoes and many types of covered products for leg braces. If they are an integral part of a covered leg brace, insurance will cover Oxfords, High tops, Depth inlays, Custom shoes for non diabetics. If they are also medically necessary for the proper functioning of the brace, Insurance will cover heel replacements, sole replacements and shoe transfers.
by: Apple Osborne
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