subject: Tips For Secure Online Shopping [print this page] Internet has brought a world of comfort to us in our day to day life. For every small purpose of ours, we take help of Internet. So we use Internet for shopping as well. Online shopping experience is not always great because sometimes we, unknowingly, get associated with fraud merchants present there on net.
While keeping a few important things in mind you can ensure to have a secured and safe online shopping experience;
Basic but important tip
While you browse through shopping sites, make sure to use a secured password. Pick a password that is hard to guess by anyone. Best way to use a combination of letters and numbers or if using letters, use combination of uppercase and lowercase and symbols.
It is also important to ensure a secured payment and checkout process. At first, determine whether the virtual shop uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Also, check for the locked padlock icon at the bottom of your browser window to assure that you are safe.
Know about Seller's Reputation
Doing a little research to know about the merchant or seller's authenticity is important if you want to keep yourself safe. Every authentic shopping portal like eBay, features comments, ratings and reviews by buyers.
You also need to check for their membership stats and ensure that they are Pay Pal Verified Sellers who have been active for at least 60 days.
If you have any query regarding the product, ask the merchant before you make the purchase. It is true that good communication ensures a smooth transaction.
Check if there is a exchange or money refund policy offered by the seller. If you do not find any such thing written on the site, ask the merchant if there is a tie limit to return the product.
Look at the Common Signs
The below common signs should be taken seriously that raises the red flag and you should not process ahead. Things like;
Avoid unsolicited offers- if you have received an email that is offering the similar product that you have already made an offer, at more discounted price could be a possible case of fraud.
Sounds too good to be true- If any deal sounds too great especially a hard to find and expensive product at such a low price could probably is far from being a genuine offer.
Delayed shipping - Look over the suggested delivery date, do not overlook it.
Things to know Product Specifics
While you have decided upon a product, you need to be little cautious about few things like;
determine the exact value of the products especially the ones which are too expensive including jewelery, electronics, or computers demand extra caution. Additional and double checks are required especially during holidays. Also the authenticity of the products is always a matter to reconfirm, products like sports memorabilia.
Call Before Buying
At last, before making a final payment, it is always advised to speak live to a concerned person, especially if you have any doubt in your mind. And if the contact number is not available on the website and you are not getting any clue how to contact them and how to clear your doubt, it would be better not to make any purchase from there.
by: webmanoj123
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