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subject: Akiles Coilmac-m+ Spiral Coil Binding Machine Review [print this page]

Akiles has been in the binding machine business for more than 15 years and it just released one of its most incredible products. The Akiles CoilMac-M+ spiral binding machine is a new and improved version of the company's classic CoilMac binding system and it's simply incredible. This is the Rolls Royce of spiral binding machines and it's packed with features to make your spiral coil binding fast and easy. However, this binding machine is so hardcore, it's really meant to be used in high-volume settings such as copy shops. Nonetheless, if you're looking for a great binding machine and think you can handle the prowess of the Akiles Coil-Mac-M+, read on and prepare to be "wowed."

Some of the most sought-after features in a spiral binding machine are punch margin depth control, fully disengageable dies, and side margin controls. Well, guess what, the Akiles CoilMac-M+ has all of these features. The disengageable dies enable you to punch and bind documents of just about any size while the punch margin control allows you to control exactly where your document is punched, meaning your document will be less likely to tear when its being used. (A technical note: the holes the Coil-Mac-M+ punch are oval-shaped and the pitch is 4:1, a 44-hole pattern.) This is definitely a high-capacity machine: up to 20 sheets of standard 20 lb. paper can be punched at once. Impressive, huh?

Other features of the Akiles CoilMac-M+ include a chip tray (for easy clean-up), a continuous punch guide to make it easy to align your document, a coil size selector, and Akiles' patented, detachable EZ Inserting Table. This table can be used to quickly insert the spiral coil into your document and, because it's detachable, one person can punch the paper and another can bind, making this a machine that can help you save time and speed up the binding process.

One of the biggest drawbacks to the Akiles CoilMac-M+ is definitely the price. Retailing for just under $400.00, this is definitely not a cheap machine. The Akiles CoilMac-M+ is also enormous, weighing in at 35 pounds, so this isn't the machine to get if you want a nice little spiral binding machine to perch at the edge of your already cluttered desk. (You don't have to worry about the machine moving around said desk, thanks to the rubber feet on the bottom of the machine.) But when you're in the market for a machine that can do everything that this one can, are you really concerned about price or size? This is a heavy-duty machine and it looks like one. And as for the price, for a machine this good, the price seems just about right. Simply put, the Akiles CoilMac-M+ is a fantastic spiral coil binding machine. Akiles has taken an already good product (the CoilMac Plus) and made it even better. This is the perfect spiral binding machine for big offices, binderies, and copy shops, and using it will undoubtedly lead to a big boost in your company's productivity, despite the rather steep price. Get binding today with the Akiles CoilMac-M+!

by: Jeffrey McRitchie

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