subject: Cieaura How To Market A Holographic Chips Mlm Business [print this page] CieAura is co owned by Ken Rasner the author of Network Marketing 101: Back to the Basics. Mr. Rasner has been successful in building multiple multilevel marketing companies. He believes Direct Sales is the best way to market CieAura and once people try the holographic chips they would love them and continue to buy the product.
Holographic chips are a revolutionary health product. It is noninvasive and no side effect treatment for strength, stamina and pain relief. The idea behind use of the chips is that the human body is made up of electrical impulses and the chips help realign the impulses that are out of whack. This is similar to what acupuncture does but it does not require specialist treatment.
Cieaura offers three types of holographic chips for pain, sleep and energy. The chips are actually stickers which are affixed to the body part in need of relief. Although this product is not FDA approved many rave over the results they received after using the chips.
If you're coming online to market your CieAura mlm business get in line to compete with the numerous health, wellness and traditional businesses doing the same. The way to market this business and separate some of the online noise out there in the health and wellness industry is to constantly provide good content to your target market.
For instance, if you want to target those with back pain, then you must demonstrate through article writings, newsletters, press releases or video content the benefits CieAura holographic chips can provide in treating back pain noninvasively. The old WIIFM (What's in it for me) must be answered in your content to your potential customers.
If you are marketing to bring more distributors into your business you would use content here also but focusing on lead generation, recruiting and sponsoring into the business opportunity. The key is to speak to each market specifically with WIIFM.
I have never used the holographic chips offered by CieAura and cannot speak positively or negatively towards the product. What I can offer to those trying to market the product is a common sense approach to doing so online which is somewhat different than the traditional way of doing business.
Online marketing of any product or service requires precision targeting with good content. It will also require a marketing system that will teach the various online marketing strategies needed for success. Strategies such as article marketing, social media marketing using face book, LinkedIn, twitter or other social media.
For more information on how to successfully market your CieAura business online visit my blog at and get access to the marketing training.
by: Val Taylor
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