subject: Marketing Yourself As A Niche Lawyer [print this page] When developing your legal marketing plan you should be considering creating a legal niche to help narrow your focus on your lawyer advertising. Your firm may handle several areas of practice, but by specializing your legal marketing messages to a targeted area, you can increase your chances of success.
Creating a Niche in Your Practice Area
You can define your profession on several levels. You're a lawyer, then you're a personal injury lawyer, then you're a personal injury lawyer who specializes in child injury cases. Clients love to find the "perfect match" when looking for professional services. The better you understand their situation and relate to solving it, the more apt they are to hire you.
While establishing a legal niche may seem like it'll exclude you from potential clients, it will result in your attracting those clients who are closest to your ideal. Because your clients are responding to your legal niche, you're not wasting legal marketing effort on individuals who'll never become clients, and you're spending less time having to turn them away to other lawyers better suited for their type of case.
Creating a Niche in Your Legal Marketing
I once met a lawyer who marketed himself as "the lawyer who really likes the color red" and he was serious about it. His office had red upholstered chairs, he gave out red pens, and he wore outlandishly red clothing where appropriate. I don't remember his name now, but I do remember how to find him - just look for the big red sign near the courthouse.
If you can find a catchy gimmick or hook to feature in your legal marketing efforts, you've got a surefire way of capturing the attention of your potential clients. Consumers like dealing with businesses on their level, and professional services are no different. When you've found your legal niche, find a legal marketing niche to serve it.
You may be a personal injury lawyer who specializes in dog attack cases - there's your legal niche. Now make it into a legal marketing niche - be "the lawyer who always has his dog with him" - use your own pets in your photos, and attend animal-related benefits in your community. This shows your clients you're familiar with animals and you can even say you have veterinary contacts of your own should they need an expert witness testimonial (provided your vet agrees to this endorsement).
When you can find a specialized legal niche in your practice area that you're comfortable with, you can use your legal marketing to create an entirely new niche with which to work. Successful integration of the two will bring you the ideal clients you're happy to work with and reduce the amount of dead leads you have to wade through.
Copyright (c) 2010 Benjamin Glass
by: Benjamin Glass
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